Page 9 - Manufacturing Engineering Brochure 2023 WEB
P. 9

Electro-pneumatics add-on kit  AU9015  Pneumatics Control with S7-1200 Siemens PLC add-on          AU9077

 This kit supplements the Automatics essentials solution by adding a selection of electrically operated valves   This kit can be added to the Automatics essentials solution to produce learning outcomes for those wishing
 and a range of sensors. By following the curriculum, students will learn how to use these new components to   to study about rugged, industrial PLCs. By following the provided curriculum, students will learn how the   AUTOMATICS
 create systems in which pneumatics and electrical circuits are combined into complete systems.  combination of a rugged Siemens industrial controller and related software can create powerful and flexible
 The electrical components are connected together quickly and reliably using 4mm connectors, for which   pneumatic systems. Students will learn how to establish the state of a pneumatic machine using sensors, the
 all of the necessary leads and accessories are provided. Electrical components are robustly mounted to the   use of logic to process that data and the issuing of commands to the included solenoid valves.
 Automatics platform using the same ‘tee’ bolt system used for the pneumatic parts and are printed with   Two versions of the curriculum are supplied. In the first, students use pre-programmed control systems
 standard circuit symbols.  supplied in the Siemens S7-1200’s built in memory. A more advanced course, Control plus, teaches students
 Working two to a kit, students follow the detailed worksheets to gain a comprehensive understanding of   how to write their own programs for the PLC.
 electro-pneumatics. By the end of the course, students will be able to create reciprocating and sequential         SMART FACTORY
 circuits, and will have an understanding of how these are used to solve real world engineering problems.           ROBOT ARM





                                                                                                                    MICRO CNC
 •  Understand the operation of   •  Expressing electrical circuits using   •  Reading sensors and switches  •  Programming industrially rugged
 electrically controlled pneumatic   ladder diagrams  •  Issuing commands to the   programmable logic controllers PLC
 valves  •  Electrically operated reciprocal     pneumatic circuits             •  Using feedback to enhance
 •  Use of electrical switching to   circuits  •  Learning the difference between   reliability and improve safety  INDUSTRIAL
 control circuit operation  •  Sequential control circuits  digital and analogue signals
 •  Using microswitches to sense   •  Analysing real world problems and   •  Using flowcharts to visualise
 cylinder position  formulating solutions        programs
 •  Sensing position without physical          •  Program flow and decision making
 contact using reed switches                   •  Programming sequences

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