Page 10 - Manufacturing Engineering Brochure 2023 WEB
P. 10

Pneumatics with your own PLC

          We are now able to supply pneumatics training equipment which can be used with any PLC with the
          Automatics PLC adaptor rail. The Adaptor rail allows students to connect to relay and motor outputs using                                                                                                                         AUTOMATICS
          standard 4mm connectors which connect directly to other Automatics components. This pack combines
          standard pneumatics components with Control pneumatics components to provide a complete learning
          platform for pneumatics and PLC programming in one package. A PLC is not included. Any programming
          language - including ladder logic - can be used. Worksheets are based on flow charts. PLC adaptor modules
          included: power distribution, inputs (8), motor outputs (8), relays (4). There are several PLC options available
         Siemens S7 with Matrix Expansion Boxes

         Siemens S7 is a popular choice for industrial control. 4mm connector add-ons for Siemens PLC are available.                                                                                                                        SMART FACTORY
         Siemens input – outputs start numbering from 0. Not all S7’s have relays – please see available models.
                                              Input Module                     Motor Module
                                              HP8042                           HP7035

             Metal Base                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROBOT ARM
             MET1122 (Includes Gromets)

                                                                                                                                         “ At York College we invested in various equipment across many ranges.
                                              Relay Module                     Power Module                                              The Matrix Allcode Robot Arm is the perfect tool to compliment our new
                                              HP4237                           HP6711                                                    Institute of Technology Manufacturing Centre. Students obtain first hand
                                                                                                                                         experience  in controlling  the movements  and activities of a  robot  arm
                                                                                                                                         similar to those widely used at manufacturing companies across Yorkshire.                          PROCESS CONTROL
                                                                                                                                         Starting with the simplest method of control using G code and a virtual
                                                                                                                                         pendant,  each  student develops  a  programming sequence  as  required
                                                                                                                                         in  Industrial Robot  Technology  within  the Advanced  Manufacturing
                                                                                                                                         Engineering  qualification.  Our  students  then  take  this  knowledge  and
                                                                                                                                         progress on to level 4 / 5 qualifications, and of course, learn more about
         Other PLC’s with Matrix Expansion Boxes                                                                                         robotic control using other programming languages, in which they will be

                                                                                                                                         attempting to control an industrial robot arm on our new manufacturing                             MICRO CNC
         There are many other PLC’s with input – output numbering starting at 0 or 1, with different numbers of                          line simulation. The  Matrix  Allcode Robot Arm provides  the perfect
         onboard motor outputs, relays etc. Make sure that you have the correct input – output modules for your PLC.
         4mm interfaces are also available.                                                                                              solution to understanding robot control within a very enjoyable learning
                                                                                                                                         experience whilst in a very safe environment.”
                                              Input Module                     Motor Module
                                              HP6700                           HP6723                                                    Tony Pollard, York College, United Kingdom                                                         INDUSTRIAL

             Metal Base
             MET1122 (Includes Gromets)

                                              Relay Module                     Power Module
                                              HP6752                           HP6711

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