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Robot Arm Production Cell                                                                 RB1387

          With base, shoulder and elbow rotation and                                                                 AUTOMATICS
          functional gripper, the arm itself delivers
          fast, accurate and repeatable movement. The
          stepper motor driven arm delivers an accuracy
          to 0.04 degrees per step, < 0.5mm XYZ. The kit
          is supplied with a number of coloured counters
          which can be moved by the arm into different                                                              SMART FACTORY
          locations in the work cell to study pick and place
 Robot Arm  and sorting technology. It is also compatible with
          the Industry 4.0 Smart Factory (see pages 12-14).
 The robot arm production cell consists of a rugged
 stepper motor controlled 3 degrees of freedom arm
 bolted to a base plate and supplied with an activity
 mat that provides a range of exercises to replicate
 an industrial robot arm. The free instructional guide
 includes worksheets in pendant, G code, API and                                                                    ROBOT ARM
 microcontroller programming, sensors and actuators,
 kinematics and more. The user can connect the robot
 arm production cell to their hardware platform –
 Windows PC, Android mobile, Raspberry Pi/Linux device
 using USB, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology.

 Multiple Programming                                                                                               PROCESS CONTROL

 Users of the robot arm can program from many
 programming IDE’s Including Flowcode, App
 Inventor, C++/ VB / C#, Python, LabVIEW or
 their own industrial PLC. This is made possible
 through the publication of an API (Application
 Programming Interface), which consists of a                                                                        MICRO CNC
 library of commands which make programming     LEARNING OBJECTIVES & EXPERIMENTS:
 via USB, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi possible from
 multiple software sources.
                                               •  Robot cell designing and      •  Kinematics: 3D movement in
                                                 programming                      robotic systems
                                               •  Robot arm pendant programming  •  Web based control
                                               •  Robot arm G code programming  •  Programming in many languages    INDUSTRIAL
                                               •  Robot arm programming –
                                               •  Sensors and actuators in robotics
                                                 Siemens compatible with Siemens focussed curriculum available

                                                                                                 SCAN TO VISIT
                                                                                                PRODUCT PAGE

 Refined Design
 The mechanics of the arm are designed to maximise the payload (the amount the arm can lift). This is
 achieved by placing the heavy motors on the base platform and by using a system of levers and cogs to allow
 the arm to move with great precision within its range of motion.

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