Page 22 - Manufacturing Engineering Brochure 2023 WEB
P. 22

Temperature Control                                                                       CT1491                       Pressure Control                                                                           CT1733

          The temperature process control system includes a heated plate within a duct and a thermocouple. A fan at one          The Pressure system consists of a variable speed reciprocating air pump (compressor), the speed of which
          end of the duct blows ambient air over the block, to change the control conditions and provide a disturbance           can be adjusted by students, a pressure vessel and an outflow system. The outflow system allows the air to   AUTOMATICS
          to the system.  The system allows students to adjust the heater power and the air flow rate to develop a PID           escape via either a manually operated needle valve - providing an ongoing outflow, or via a solenoid valve
          based control system then adjust these parameters to achieve the required time/temperature change profile              and second needle valve - providing a step change in outflow.  The vessel pressure is measured by a Bourdon
          for the system in response to step changes in system requirements.                                                     type mechanical gauge along with a pressure sensor.  The Bourdon gauge provides a visual indication of the
                                                                                                                                 pressure in the vessel and a means for students to check and calibrate the controller input from the pressure
                                                                                                                                 sensor.                                                                                                    SMART FACTORY


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ROBOT ARM


                                                LEARNING OBJECTIVES & EXPERIMENTS:                                                                                     LEARNING OBJECTIVES & EXPERIMENTS:                                   PROCESS CONTROL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MICRO CNC
                                               •  Understanding the drive       •  Zeigler Nichols algorithm                                                           •  Understanding the drive      •  Zeigler Nichols algorithm
                                               •  Understanding the sensors     •  Integral wind up                                                                    •  Understanding the sensors    •  Integral wind up
                                               •  On/Off control systems        •  Derivative filter                                                                   •  On/Off control systems       •  Derivative filter
                                               •  System time constant          •  Manual tuning                                                                       •  System time constant         •  Manual tuning                     INDUSTRIAL
                                               •  PI controller                                                                                                        •  PI controller
                                               •  PID controller                                                                                                       •  PID controller

                                                                                                 SCAN TO VISIT                                                                                                          SCAN TO VISIT
                                                                                                PRODUCT PAGE                                                                                                            PRODUCT PAGE

                                                         Zeigler Nichols PID Classic Setting                                                                                    Zeigler Nichols PID Classic Setting

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