Page 11 - Electrical & Electronic Engineering Brochure 2024 WEB
P. 11


                                                                        •  Link your design to low cost local        FLOWCODE
                                                                            or remote hardware interfaces.
 There are two parts to App Developer: PC Developer                     •  Play the program or step through
 and Web Developer. Flowcode PC Developer allows                            the program one command at a
 you to create applications (apps) and Human Machine                        time to make sure it works.
 Interfaces (HMIs) for Windows PCs, whereas Flowcode                    •  Test your design to make sure it
 Web Developer allows you to create HMIs that run                           functions like you want it to.           SYSBLOCKS
 in  browsers  –  especially  suitable  for  use  on  tablets           •  Use  the  on-screen  instruments
 and mobile phones. Both parts allow integration with                       to see data from your system.
 low cost input / output boards like PIC, Arduino and                   •  Use  the  data  recorder  and
 ESP32  as  well  as  other  embedded  and  web  enabled                    console     to    monitor     your
                                                                            program  and see  how it  is
 devices like Alexa or home automation products.                            working (PC Developer).
 All  communications  standards  are  supported:  USB,                  •  Use  graphs,  etc,  to  record  and
 Buetooth, Wi-Fi, Ethernet etc.                                             display data gathered from your          ELECTRICAL MACHINES
                                                                            system in real time.

 •  Decide  whether  you  want your  app
 to work on a Windows device  or  in  a
 •  Design your app on screen using pre-  Deploy
 made switches, indicators, sliders and
 graphs.  •  Reproduce  your  system for                                                                             LOCKTRONICS
 •  Design  your  app’s  user  interface  on   others to use.
 screen  using pre-made  components   •  Create  stand-alone  apps
 including  switches,  indicators,  sliders   that run independently of
 and graphs  Flowcode.
 •  Add  communications  components  •  Sell  your  apps  or  give  them
 that allow you to interact with external   away  for  free  to  anyone  -                                           EBLOCKS 2
 devices.    royalty free.
 •  Design your program using flowchart,
 blocks, pseudocode, or state diagrams.

 Simulate                                                                                                            ALLCODE
 •  Simulate  your  app  on-screen
 within  Flowcode  to verify its   Human Machine Interfaces for all Matrix equipment                                 TINA
 function prior to deployment.       are created with App Developer.
 •  Use  on-board  digital  switches
 and analogue sliders to control
 your  app  and  any  connected
 •  Use  the  meters,  oscilloscope,
 data  recorder,  console  or
 graph  to verify  your  system’s

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