User interface ideas

Please add any feature requests for Flowcode version 7 here

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User interface ideas

Post by howard123 »

Hello all

Here are a few ideas that you may care to consider and implement in Flowcode regarding the user interface. I have included a few minor glitches which possibly have been mentioned before by others.

1. Notes field. I find that when developing something I keep a word processing program on hand to take notes as I progress. These notes may for example include something on the hardware test outcome and future revisions. It would be useful to have this integrated within Flowcode and access it via a Tab. On entering this Tab view, it could preface each text entry with <<Date>>, <<Time>>, <<FileName>>, <<FlowcodeVersion>> and <<pcUserName>> and be followed by the user's text. Filename for me would be useful to recognise a project revision but some other version control method would also be appreciated. This should be stored as a *.txt file so that it can be used in reporting and the like.

2. Tab control descriptor focus. The Tab red descriptor should remain red when working on other windows within Flowcode or other external windows. This defocuses when it is sometimes useful to see which macro is open. For example when using the project explorer to find instances of a variable and clicking on these in the resultant list, the variable is highlighted in the flowchart but it is not clear which macro is being shown as the red Tab descriptor is now not red. One can click inside the macro to see the red tab but then the variable defocuses.

3. Tab control descriptor colour. It will be useful to group tabs for example to make a group related to a certain resource. This could be done by colour coding the tabs. This then makes the red identifier mentioned in the last point redundant so what could be done is to lift the focused tab slightly. You might have seen this in a Labview tab view.

4. Retain Tab order. On opening Flowcode the Tab order should be retained from the previous session. This just sometimes does not happen for me. Also if there is no Start Page tab on exiting, then keep it so on opening. If two or more flowchart windows have been opened, also retain this setting on reopening.

5. Comments. I find these very useful not just to describe a function but to make headings, sub-headings, reminders and test notes. As an identifier as to which type of these it is, I move it to a certain horizontal position relative the code. It will be useful if this identification could be selected from say 6 possibilities. These could be setup in the global options and have as attributes; colour, size, and x:y positions in pixels relative to the insertion point.

6. Search for comments. It may be useful to search for comments from the explorer using text and attribute mentioned above.

7. Component Macro colour bug. The colour selection of this macro is not retained when reopening Flowcode.

8. Loop horizontal line bug. These are distorted on my pc. I have seen some comment on screen resolution being a possible culprit but in my case it is related to the global font size which I have changed from the default.

9. Decision and calculation properties sizing. The resizing of the decision expression box is not retained when re-entering this property box. The resizing of the calculation box is retained when re-entering however it becomes a global setting. Could these two have individually set box sizes.

10. Expression bar. This would be a useful addition placed on the top of the screen for writing decision and calculation expressions, something like what is seen at the top of a spreadsheet. One click on either the decision or calculation icon would open this bar where-after the expression can be written in it. Another click on either icon would store the expression change, and close the bar.

11. Compiler message. Don't ask if it is OK to save the file, just proceed with compiling. At the end, if all is well, close the window or place it behind the active window. It might be of use to have a series of say 5 round-robin backups automatically generated, which could be reinstated if there is a problem.

12. List occurrences of IO in explorer. I can not get this function to work. It would be nice to have it however.

13. Macro code. Clicking on a macro icon should take you directly to the code. I don't think there is a need to go through the properties as such properties can be changed in Edit Macro Details, if necessary.

14. Copy and Paste code. This can sometimes cause the code viewed to jump unexpectedly to an unusual position.

15. Variables and spreadsheet. Variables and their attributes can be written on an external spreadsheet and imported into Flowcode as a CSV file. This would allow for faster creation of ranged variables and improved accuracy for me. Exported variables would also be useful.

16. Variable creation. An additional way to create variables could be to right click and select its creation directly. A click within the macro could create locals and a click outside of the macro creates globals. This may be a bit unusual as I tend to first make a few variables and then connect them, so this might not be useful to others.

17. Variable manager. How about the variables being in a table view with copy/ paste functionality and some drop down elements. Columns could be <<name>>, <<initialvalue>>, <<descriptor>> and <<type>> as well as global or <<macro>> local. Sorting and occurrence finding would be fantastic. I sometimes need to change locals into globals after discovering a mistake and it would be nice to do this easily.

18. Explorer and Macro Properties and icon list minimise. These and possibly others should be allowed to minimise to the task bar. Nice to get them out of the way while retaining their view, for future usage.

19. Tip strip. These are staying up for a period too short for me to read the more lengthy texts. Just leave them on when hovering I guess.

Thanks for a great product

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Re: User interface ideas

Post by Steve »

Hi Howard,

There are some really good suggestions in there - thanks very much for taking the time. I'll discuss with our development team and see which can be added to our current plans.


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Re: User interface ideas

Post by elstijnos »

Hi, I would like to add to this.

-When zooming in/out with the scrollwheel, zoom in/out on where the mouse pointer is placed, like how most CAD programs do, instead of just zomming on the center of the screen.
-Connection points (if you decide to keep them): Would it be possible to see where it jumps to?

Last edited by elstijnos on Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: User interface ideas

Post by Docara »

20. Help which is actual helpful

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Re: User interface ideas

Post by elstijnos »

-When undoing (Ctrl + z) the view goes to the top of the flowchart, it would be more practical to jump to where something was undone.

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Re: User interface ideas

Post by howard123 »

Variable case sensitivity for instance finds. A variable is case insensitive whereas an instance find is case sensitive. A variable defined as TestOne is allowed to be written as Testone however the instance find only then finds TestOne occurrences.

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Re: User interface ideas

Post by howard123 »

Reporting of bugs and status thereof. Bug reporting from the help tab is a useful idea for a fast entry but there is no feedback to the user on the status. How about all bug reports, including those entered on the forum, be given a ticket number. In the case of those entered from the help tab, a ticket number can be mailed to complainant, if the user is so registered. On the Matrix site a listing of all bugs could be viewed with 1.Ticket Number 2.Issue 3.Status 4.Patch Fix Date shown.

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