programmer problem

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programmer problem

Post by Steve001 »

I have just installed flowcode v4.2 and the update to v4.3 onto my pc (new)
having some problems with the programmer options if someone can point me the right direction

when the installer ran i ticked use e-blocks programmer after the install i didn't get the driver instaler wizzard for some reason
and navigating around the cd wasn't able to locate it so to install the driver i went about it this way ,

right clicked on my computer :- manage
clicked on device manager opened usb , found the unidentified device and clicked update driver and pointed windows to drivers folder on the cd

When i goto compile options i get some errors see attached pics

The way i installed the drivers may not be the problem it may just be my set up , If somebody can advise please

Ta steve
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Re: programmer problem

Post by medelec35 »

What you need to do is in 'Chip' 'compiler options' For the programmer, click Browse, and go into C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\Tools\PPP (or what ever directory Flowcode in installed)
Click on the ppp exe file for both parts in programmer.
See attachment.
ppp.jpg (50.32 KiB) Viewed 6073 times

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Re: programmer problem

Post by Steve001 »

Sorry if this replay is posted twice . reposted as it didn't apear.

have changed my setting in the compiler options box , still having some problems
Can anybody advise please ?

Capture15.07.10.JPG (235.23 KiB) Viewed 6044 times
Capture02 15.07.10.JPG
Capture02 15.07.10.JPG (79.29 KiB) Viewed 6044 times
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Re: programmer problem

Post by medelec35 »

I was explaining step by step for any one who is new an don't know how two access options (in 'Chip' 'compiler options). To make it clearer here is what I have got for each section. You could use the browse button, or just copy and paste.

Location:C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\boostc.pic16.flowcode.exe
Parameters:-v -t PIC%p "%f.c"

Location:C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\boostlink.pic.exe
Parameters:-ld "C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\lib" libc.pic16.lib flowcode.pic16.lib rand.pic16.lib float.pic16.lib "%f.obj" -t PIC%p -d "%d" -p "%f"

Location:C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\Tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe
Parameters:-cs 2 -chip PIC%p -nogui "%f.hex"

As you can see it is the [INSTALLDIR]TOOLS\PPP\PPPv3.exe that is wrong and it is the Browse next to that like you need to click on and manually loacate PPPv3.exe on your hard drive

Hope this helps

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Re: programmer problem

Post by Steve001 »

Hi medelec35

Sorry to be a right royal pain in the ass but still having problems

The following settings are in my flowcode

Compiler location :-
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\boostc\boostc.pic16.flowcode.exe
parameters :-
-v -t PIC%p "%f.c"

Linker / assembler
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\boostc\boostlink.pic.exe
parameters :-
-ld "C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\lib" libc.pic16.lib flowcode.pic16.lib rand.pic16.lib float.pic16.lib "%f.obj" -t PIC%p -d "%d" -p "%f"

C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\Tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe
parameters :-
-cs 2 -chip PIC%p -nogui "%f.hex"
use of external program to set config is ticked

location :-
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\Tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe
parameters :-
-cs 2 -chip PIC%p -config

i am getting an error saying that cannot open file 887.c
and cannot ID the onboard chip ?

see sttached screen dumps

attached bellow is text file that flow code compiles .

Thats it for tonight before somthing goes through a window


File name: Y:\Ste Stuff\#### pic stuff ####\Matrix Stuff\Flowcode projects\Flowcode1.c
Generated by: Flowcode v4.3.7.63
Date: Friday, July 16, 2010 20:17:27
Licence: Professional
Registered to: Stephen Clarke

Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\boostc\boostc.pic16.flowcode.exe -v -t PIC16F887 "Flowcode1.c"

Return code = 0

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\boostc\boostlink.pic.exe -ld "C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\lib" libc.pic16.lib flowcode.pic16.lib rand.pic16.lib float.pic16.lib "Flowcode1.obj" -t PIC16F887 -d "Y:\Ste Stuff\#### pic stuff ####\Matrix Stuff\Flowcode projects" -p "Flowcode1"

Return code = 0

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\Tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe -cs 2 -chip PIC16F887 -nogui "Flowcode1.hex"
Sending program...


Erasing the PICmicro
NOTE: EEPROM data will also be erased!
Writing program memory


Writing configuration memory
Programming failed: <config1> & <config2>
That took 17.316 seconds

Return code = 0
Capture316710.JPG (23.31 KiB) Viewed 6025 times
Capture1-160710.JPG (20.15 KiB) Viewed 6025 times
Capture160710.JPG (56.19 KiB) Viewed 6025 times
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Re: programmer problem

Post by medelec35 »

Mate, your not a pain at all. Its does not matter how many posts you post, or how many questions you ask. All that matters is helping you find a solution.

Any way, Your getting there.
have you got a 14V DC regulated supply or 12V DC unregulated supply plugged in? If you have a meter, make sure DCV is above between 13 and 15V (you can get away with 12V on most targets). You would not be able to program just via usb, unless in LVP mode.
Is VPP alowed to go to +13 or so volts? ie. not tied to ground or +5V etc.
Is link for usb/ICD2 in usb position?
Try moving link upwards slightly. Jumpers can have a slight connection issue.
Is Link PSU/USB, in PSU postion?
Is Green LED on with link in PSU position?
It may sound obvious, but is there only one target device plugged in, and in correct socket, and correct way round.
>confession time: I know when Ive not been concentrating I have plugged an IC in wrong way round.
Within Flowcode and chip menu, select Configure.. then Click autodetect. It's not worth trying to send program to chip, if autodetect is failing.

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Re: programmer problem

Post by Albert38 »

I recognize some of this problem. In my situation I installed the PPP driver and the programmer connected to one of the two USB ports in the front of my PC after a few days I reconnect the programmer and used the other port. I could do what ever I want the programmer did not work. I then installed ppp and driver again with the programmer connected to the second usb port and I could use it. Now every time I have to disconnect and connect the programmer several times befor I am able to use it.

For quick testing if the programmer and drivers are working correct you can start PPP without Flowcode and try to detect the chip on your programmer.
You find PPP here,
C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Common\PPPv3\PPPv3.exe

And detecting the chip is easy. First start PPPv3 then click "configure Pic micro" and here you can click "autodetect"
First get it to work directly with PPP when you have that working flowcode must also work.

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Re: programmer problem

Post by Steve001 »

all is working again now , haven't changed anything all is as before
so while it's working i am leaving it as is :lol:

thanks for your help guys

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