Matrix - Current license key has expired - error 100
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Current license key has expired - error 100

To fix this problem you will need to do a very minor edit to the Windows registry. If you are not at all confident with editing the Windows registry then go skip to the next post as it will outline an alternative method.

1) In the start menu search box (win 7) or the 'Run' menu (win XP) type regedit.

2) Navigate to the following key within the registry editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MatrixMM\FlowCodeV5\Info\SourceBoostVer

3) remove just the SourceBoostVer key

Load up Flowcode again and it should regenerate the key and the error should be gone.
The alternative is to uninstall all versions of Flowcode then reinstall making sure that Flowcode v5 was installed first.
Last update:
2015-04-01 10:12
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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