Matrix - Using ICD3 With Flowcode v5
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Using ICD3 With Flowcode v5

To allow ICD3 to work with Flowcode 5 you must ensure you have MPLAB 8 installed on your computer and then do the following.

In Flowcode click on Build >> Compiler options and navigate to the Programmer tab.

Set the Programmer location to:

32-bit machine
C:\Program File\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\ICD3\ICD3CMD.exe


64-bit machine
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\ICD3\ICD3CMD.exe

Set the Programmer parameters to:
-P%p -E -F%f.hex -M -L

This configures the ICD3 to program the target devices using the project hex file. The ICD3 will erase the device, fully program the device and then verify the data has been programmed correctly onto the device.

To allow PPP to provide configuration settings simply leave the Use external program to set config options setting ticked and leave the details as.

C:\Program Files\Flowcode\V5\Tools\PPP\PPPv3.exe

-cs 2 -chip PIC%p -config
Last update:
2015-04-01 10:10
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