Page 8 - Skilled Trades Brochure 2023 WEB
P. 8

Three Phase Systems                                                                        LK4961                      Electronic Components and Circuits Pack                                                    LK2901

          This pack includes a suite of practical investigations into three phase systems and it includes a low voltage          This pack allows students to understand the operation of a range of commonly used components in both DC
          three phase generator and a low voltage three phase motor. The pack includes the parts needed to set up                and AC circuits. The learning outcomes are closely aligned with the requirement of City and Guilds 8202 level   LOCKTRONICS
          three phase systems based on star and delta topologies with balanced and unbalanced loads. Students                    2 topic 4: Understand electronics components. The kit includes a range of practical assignments which guide
          work through the 33 page full colour workbook understanding three phase concepts as they progress. A 4                 students: from simple circuits that allow them to understand component operation through to circuits that
          input Picoscope and current clamp is not included in the pack. A 4 input oscilloscope and current clamp is             are made up of a number of components that perform useful tasks in electrical systems. A full set of colour
          recommended.                                                                                                           printable worksheets and teacher’s notes are supplied.                                                     ELECTRICAL MACHINES



                                                                                     4 input oscilloscope HP5834                                                                                                                            FUNDAMENTAL FLUIDS
                                                                                         Current clamp HP5561
                                                                               ANSI version also available LK4961A                                                                                    ANSI version also available LK2901A  FUNDAMENTAL MECHANICS

                                                LEARNING OBJECTIVES & EXPERIMENTS:                                                                                     LEARNING OBJECTIVES & EXPERIMENTS:

                                               •  Three phase circuits – star and   •  Real, reactive and apparent power                                               •  Operation of resistors, capacitors,  •  Shipped in standard storage cases
                                                 delta                          •  Three phase inductance and                                                           thermistors, diodes, zener diodes,
                                               •  Balanced and unbalanced loads   reactance                                                                             photo transistor, transistor, and
                                               •  Phase relationships in three phase  •  Power in three phase systems                                                   triac.
                                                 systems                        •  Motors in three phase systems                                                       •  AC and DC circuits including
                                               •  Phase vectors                 •  Using current clamps and PC                                                          rectification, amplification,
                                               •  Using a capacitor to create a phase   oscilloscopes                                                                   dimming, soft start, current
                                                 shift for motors               •  Power factor correction                                                              limiting, light indicators, sensors
                                               •  Three phase rectification – half and                                                                                 •  Full worksheets available online

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