Page 45 - Aerospace Training Range Brochure 2023 WEB
P. 45


                                                      Flowcode Embedded helps students learn to develop              MODULE 2.0
                                                      complex embedded systems. It allows students to progress
                                                                                                                     MODULE 3.0
                                                      faster and go further than other programming languages.
                                                       •  Create highly functional microcontroller projects using Rpi,
                                                        Arduino, PIC, ESP, ARM and AVR processors
                                                       •  Graphical programming: use flowcharts, state diagrams and data   MODULE 4.0
                                                        flow techniques
                                                       •  Full simulation – electrical and mechanical
 Flowcode App Developer allows students to easily develop   •  Hugh library of parts and subroutines
 highly functional projects for Windows computers and tablets
 using low cost hardware interfaces.

 •  Create great Windows Human Machine interfaces for control and   Design                                           MODULE 5.0
 data gathering using Rpi, Arduino, PIC, ESP
 •  Graphical programming: use flowcharts, state diagrams and data   Design your electronic system on screen:
 flow techniques  •  Choose a microcontroller that has the characteristics your
 •  Comprehensive library of dials, switches, indicators, graphs and   application needs.
 other components  •  Develop a model of the electronic system using the 2D or 3D
            panels.                                                                                                  MODULE 8.0
          •  Add components from the library or create your own. Link to a
 General input output interface for Arduino  mechanical model exported from Solidworks.
 Design   •  Design a program using flow chart, Blocks, Pseudo-code, C code
            or state machine diagrams.
 Design your electronic system on screen:  •  Develop a Human Machine Interface to provide a good visual test
            bed.                                                                  Flowcode design example            MODULE 11.0
 •  Choose the Input Output device(s) that has the characteristics
 your application needs from four types of device
 MODULE 11.0
 •  Choose from one of our own low cost hardware interfaces or use   Simulate
 any third party hardware
 •  Add other instruments and systems that have Application   Simulate your design to see how it functions:
 Programming Interfaces you can work with like signal generators,   •  Use on-board digital switches and analogue sliders to change real
 environmental chambers etc                             world parameters and see how your system copes.
 •  Drag local (USB/Bluetooth) and remote (Wi-fi/LAN/Internet)   •  Use the Meters, Oscilloscope, Data Recorder, Console or Graph to
 hardware components onto the 2D panel                  verify your system’s performance.
 •  Add components from the library to create a distributed   •  Use test signal injectors to send streams of comms data in any
 electronic system                                      protocol to see how your system responds.
 Control system with USB, LAN, Wi-fi and  Bluetooth connection
 •  Design a program using flow chart, Blocks, Pseudo-code, or state   •  Link to Solidworks to see your 3D hardware model move on
 machine diagrams                                       screen under control of your program.
                       Simulation with a robot arm
 Test your design to make sure it functions like you want it to:  Test
          Test your design to make sure it functions like you want it to:
 •  Link your design to low cost local or remote hardware interfaces
 •  ‘Play’ the program or step through the program one command at   •  Compile your design to hex for a microcontroller.
 a time to make sure it works  •  Using Matrix In-Circuit-Debug hardware step through the
 •  Use the on-screen instruments to see the variables in your   program in the chip one icon at a time or let the program run.
 system   •  Use Matrix Ghost to view pin and variable status on the
 •  Use the Data Recorder and Console to monitor your program and   Oscilloscope.
 see how it is working  •  Use the Data Recorder and Console to decode comms serial
 •  Use the Graph plotter to document the performance of your   buses and check message integrity.
 system in real time  •  Verify your design’s performance using Flowcode App developer
 Process Control software built with App  Developer
            via USB, Bluetooth or the internet.                                  Flowcode scope for testing

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