API Component.Property.SetFilter

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<sidebar>API Contents</sidebar> Sets a components property filter string for lists, files, etc

Class hierarchy





The component handle of the property owner

STRING Property

The textual name of the property


The value to update the property filter with

Return value

This call does not return a value

Detailed description

Sets the filter field of a property. The filter field is a text block whose use in Flowcode is decided by the properties type.

The field, for example, may be used to hold a list of items in a list-type property, or a file-filter in a file selection property. See the list of property types for further details.

No checks are done for validation on the field, and any text desired may be entered into this. However, it is the callers responsibility to only add text with the correct format if a format is required..


Calling in a calculation

  • Add to a calculation icon:
    ::Component.Property.SetFilter(handle, "property", "value")

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