Exercise - Create an LED Component

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Gen ExerciseLEDcreate LEDcomp props01.jpg

Creating a graphic

  • Open a new Flowcode flowchart.
  • If they are not, then select them in the View Menu.
  • Click on the hemisphere shape in the Shapes menu and drag one onto the Systems Panel.
  • The blue dotted square around it shows that this object is currently selected.
  • Change the name of the component to 'oneLED'.
To do this:
  • Find the 'handle' of the component at the top of the Panel Properties.
  • Click on the name 'shape' (the default name).
  • Change it to 'oneLED'.

Adding properties

  • Next, add two properties to the LED. The first allocates a color. The second sets up a connection from the LED to the microcontroller.
  • First add a default color to the component, using a new property called 'color'.
To do this:
  • De-select the hemisphere by clicking anywhere outside it in the Systems Panel.
  • Hover over the icon to the right of the 'Properties' label.
  • Click on the down-arrow that appears.
  • Click on 'Add new'.
  • In the 'Cosmetic name' box type "LEDcolor".
  • Select 'Color picker' for the 'Property type'.
  • Type "color" for the 'Property variable' name.
  • In the same way, then add another new property to specify the default connection. Give it a Cosmetic name "Connection", with Property type 'Single digital pin' and a Property variable name "pin".
  • Finally, configure these properties. To do this:
  • Click on the color shown for the 'color' property.
    Gen ExerciseLEDcreate LEDcomppropsdetail 01.jpg
  • Select a color from the color chart that appears.
  • Click on the word 'Unconnected', alongside the 'pin' property.
  • Select an appropriate pin, such as RA0, from the chip pin layout.

Reacting when a pin changes state

Gen Exercise LEDcreate Proj explorer.png

First, create a 'PinChange' macro. The Property change event is triggered when any property you have added to your component changes.

  • Double-click on the item 'Connection -> PinChange'. The 'Add event' dialogue box opens.
  • Hover over the icon to the left of the 'Macro' label. A drop-down arrow appears.
  • Click on the arrow and select the option 'Add new'. The 'Edit Macro Details' dialogue box opens.
  • Change the name of the macro to 'PinChange'.
  • Click on 'OK'.

Next, set up the 'PinChange' macro.

  • Select 'Show as Flowchart' from the 'Macro' menu, and choose the 'PinChange' macro.

Add the following details:

  • Add a Decision icon to the PinChange, rename it "Pin state", and set the condition as 'If pin = 1'.

The flowchart now resembles that shown below.

  • Drag a Panel command into the 'No' branch. Configure it as follows:
  • Rename it "Switch off".
  • Click on the 'Functions' label.
  • Expand the 'Component' and then the 'Property' sections.
  • Click on the SetValue command, and complete it by adding "oneLED" as the Handle, "color" (including the quotes) as the Property and 0 (zero) as the Value. Then click on 'OK'.
  • Click on the Panel command and copy and paste it into the 'Yes' branch.
  • Change the configuration as follows:
  • Rename it "Switch on".
  • Change the Value to "color".
  • Then click on 'OK'.

Updating when a pin changes

Because your component is connected to a pin, you want to run a flowchart when that pin changes. To do this, you can use the PinChange event.

To complete