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MIAC Module
Image MIAC MIAC - Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller License: None
Image MIAC Advanced License: None
Image MIAC Basic
Image MIAC CAN Slave
Image MIAC Serial
Image MIAC USB Slave Allows Matrix's MIAC PLC to be used as a PC peripheral controlled by Flowcode via a USB
Inputs: General
Image ADC base Base ADC component with no graphical interface.
Image Encoder Rotary Encoder component implements a rotary encoder connected to two pins
Image Keypad (Generic) Generic component to create a raster scanned custom keypad or button matrix.
Image Switch Array Base A base component for creating an evenly spaced array of switches.
Image Switch base Base single pin switch with no graphical interface
Image Dashboard Text A simulation only text box that can be used to display text and numbers.
Image Panel Console Viewer An easy way to display the data from up to four console windows on the panel.
Image Scale Arc A base component for drawing circular dials.
Image Scale_Linear A base component for drawing scales on horizontal or vertical strips.
Image Simulation LED A simple LED suitable for simulation that does not require a pin connection
Image Slider control A simple graphical interface for a vertical meter or slider control.
Matrix Tools
Image Auto Version Identifier Basic component designed to provide the program with the date and time of the build.
Image E_block Helper A purely cosmetic component to help simplify E-block connections without having to keep referring to the datasheets.
Image Scope monitor A component to allow data from analogue and digital pins to be displayed on the scope window.
3rd Party Equipment/Tools
Image K8055D Support for the Velleman K8055 USB input/output board.
Image PicoScope A set of functions designed for interacting with a 2000 series Pico scope via simulation.
Image TTI TG5011 Signal Generator TTi TG5011 50 MHz Signal Generator
Image TTi Power Supply _ PL155_P TTi PL155-P Power Supply Unit Component.
Image CAN (Internal, MCP2515) Low level routines for controling the CAN interface either using an external MCP2515 IC and a SPI bus connection
Image DALI Master A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling lighting, specifically digitally
Image DALI Slave A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling lighting, specifically digitally
Image DMX_512 Master A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling theatrical equipment such
Image DMX_512 Slave A serial based communications protocol designed for controlling theatrical equipment such
Image I2C Master Generic Two Wire I2C Communications Interface
Image I2C Slave Generic Two Wire I2C Communications Interface
Image LIN Master Low level routines for controlling a LIN master (1.
Image LIN Slave Low level routines for controlling the LIN bus (1.
Image MIDI Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard MIDI interface.
Image Modbus Master Modbus component for talking to Modbus compatible hardware via RS232 or RS485.
Image One Wire Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard one wire interface.
Image RS232 Low level routines for controlling or interacting with a standard asyncronous serial interface.
Image SPI Master Low level routines for controlling or interacting with an SPI interface.
Image SPI Master (EB013) Low level routines for controlling or interacting with an SPI interface.
Image TCP Base Base TCP/IP component with simulation only interface to allow TCP/IP style network communications in simulation.
Image TCPIP (ENC28J60) A set of routines used to control a ENC28J60 TCP/IP Module.
Image USB HID Component to create and communicate using a standard HID type USB class.
Image USB MIDI Component to create and communicate using a standard MIDI connection.
Image USB Serial Component to create and communicate using a standard CDC type COM port.
Image USB Slave Component to create and communicate using a generic USB communications profile.
Image Visi (4DSystems) A way of interacting with the VISI interface designed by 4D systems.
Image Webserver (NM7010A) Webserver component designed to work with the NM7010A module from Wiznet,
Image Webserver (WIZ810MJ) Webserver component designed to work with the WIZ810MJ module from Wiznet,
Inputs: EBlocks
Image Touch Pads This board provides five touch areas for use with capacitive sensing.
Image Bluetooth (EB024, Generic AT) Low level routines for controlling a standard AT Bluetooth interface.
Image Bluetooth v2 (EB024, Generic AT) Low level routines for controlling a standard AT Bluetooth interface.
Image GPS (EB056, Generic NMEA) Component designed to process incoming NMEA style GPS data and convert into meaningful
Image GSM (EB066, Generic AT) Low level routines for controlling a standard AT GSM / GPRS interface
Image IrDA (EB012, MCP1250, MCP2120) Low level routines for controlling a standard IrDA interface.
Image RC5 (EB060, Generic 36KHz) Low level routines for controlling a standard RC5 IR interface.
Image RF ISM (EB063, MRF49XA) A simple RF-ISM communications module based on the Microchip Alpha MRF49XA device.
Image RFID (EB052, RWD_MICODE) Low level routines for controlling a RF Solutions RFID interface
Image RFID2 Functions designed to work with the MFRC522 contactless reader IC.
Image SRF (WirelessThings) The SRF is designed for wireless transmission and reception of serial data in an easy to use surface mounted module.
Image WLAN (EB069, ESP8266) Wireless LAN component designed to work with the ESP8266 module.
Image WLAN (EB069, WIZ610wi) Wireless LAN component designed to work with the WIZ610wi module from Wiznet.
Image Zigbee (EB051, XBEE) Zigbee component designed to work with the XBEE range of modules from Digi.
Outputs: General
Image 7Segment (Quad) 14mm seven segment display.
Image 7Segment (Single) Seven segment display modelled after a standard 14mm high unit.
Image GLCD base Base graphical LCD with simulation only interface to allow graphics to be drawn in simulation.
Image LCD (Generic) Generic configurable alphanumeric LCD display component based on the standard
Image LED (Generic, RGB) An LED with red, green and blue elements that can be mixed together to produce
Image LED Array Create an evenly spaced array of LED indicators.
Image LED Base Base for creating LEDs and other on/off visual indicators.
Image LED Charlieplex Create an evenly spaced array of LED indicators using a reduced amount of I/O pins.
Image PWM Pulse Width Modulation, a versitile way of generating a digital pulse using mark / space modulation.
Image Speech Speech component allowing Phoneme based speech for use on an embedded platform.
Image String Translator A simple component to allow multiple language support by substituting different strings depending
Image Button helper A button overlay that allows any object to behave like a button
Image FCD helper A helper control to query the current FCD file
Image Marking control A control to draw markings on any component
Image LCD (Adafruit, OLED) Adafruit OLED LCD display
Image LCD 4x20 (Adafruit, OLED) Adafruit OLED LCD display 4 x 20 characters
Image LED Matrix (Parallel) LED Matrix component designed to work using multiple data pins and a single clock pin.
Image LED Matrix (Serial) LED Matrix component designed to work using a single data and clock pin.
Image RAM LCD A RAM-buffer for monitoring LCD changes
Image Collision Detector Polls a chosen panel object to see if it has collided with another object.
Image Proximity switch base Polls a chosen panel object to test it's distance from this component.
Image Animator Basic animation and physics simulation for a single object.
Image Component Label Add a label to a component by including this component as a sub-component.
Image Component Labels Automatically generates labels for all panel objects and components in a given context.
Image Data Injector A base data injector used as a placeholder in components which reference the data injector interface.
Image FTDI (FTD2XX) Simulation only interface to allow communications with a FTDI USB 232 IC connected to the system.
Image LCD control An LCD control pane supporting up to 64 x 64 units
Image Meter Square Square analogue panel meter.
Image Sim. Switch Base A base for building switches that do not download to chip.
Image ADC A low level implementation giving direct access to the CAL
Image CAN Low level routines for controling the CAN interface
Image EEPROM A low level implementation giving direct access to the CAL
Image I2C Chip Abstraction Layer for Two Wire I2C Communications
Image PWM A low level implementation giving direct access to the CAL
Image SPI A low level implementation giving direct access to the CAL
Image UART A low level implementation giving direct access to the CAL
Image Bezel Radiused A purely cosmetic component for creating smoothly radiused bezel or frame to fit around
Image COM Port Serial based simulation component for use with systems such as RS232, Bluetooth and USB Serial.
Image Clone Matrix Takes a single object and produces a three dimensional array of evenly spaced clones.
Image Motion Helper Helper for building components which require simulation of constant motion.
Image Port Matrix Create an accurately spaced array of up to eight components, each corresponding to a pin
Image RxTx Flasher Simple indicator panel intended as a sub-component of communications components.
Image Target Chip A cosmetic only representation of the target microcontoller device showing the default package type complete with pins.
Image 3D Printer A simulation only version of a very basic 3D printer such as a standard RepRap.
Image Accelerometer Gyro (MPU_6050) MPU-6050 Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensors.
Image Formula AllCode A component to allow all the features of the Formula AllCode robot to be investigated.
Image Formula AllCode API A simulation only component to allow the Formula AllCode robot to be controlled via it's
Image Formula Flowcode A component to allow all the features of the Formula Flowcode robot to be investigated.
Image Motor Base Base component for constructing continuous motion - e.
Image Photo Reflector Uses InfraRed light to detect if an external object is near to the sensor.
Image Photo Transistor Uses InfraRed light to detect if an external object is near to the sensor.
Image Servo Controller Can control up to eight standard PWM driven servo's.
Image Servo Motor Base Base component for creating custom servo motor simulations.
Image Solenoid Base Base component for constructing solenoids.
Image Stepper motor base Enables the creation of a stepper motor component by specifying objects for its appearance.
Modelling Components
Image Formula Flowcode Racetrack A simple race course for the Formula Flowcode buggy.
Image Maze Generator Creates a simulation only randomised maze out of standard micromouse maze walls and pillars.
Image Control Allows for several types of control operations to be performed on a buffer.
Image DSP System DSP System main buffer manager responsible for allocating memory, taking care of buffer indexes ...
Image Delay Allows an adjustable delay to be inserted into the DSP system
Image Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Provides a way of converting a buffer full of time domain data into frequency domain data.
Image Filter Filter component to allow basic filtering to be performed
Image Frequency Generator A frequency generator component designed to plug into the DSP system component and allow several...
Image Input Allows the values from a buffer to be assigned.
Image Level Allows for detection and collection of peaks, troughs and averages.
Image Output Allows the values from a buffer to be read.
Image Scale Allows the values in a single buffer to be scaled uniformly.
Image Sum Component to combine together two buffers into one a index at a time.
Inputs: Sensors
Image Accelerometer (EB068, LIS3LV02DQ) LIS3LV02DQ Accelerometer sensor with options for I2C or SPI communications.
Image Colour Sensor This board provides the ability to detect colours.
Image Digital Temperature A digital temperature sensor based around the LM75B chip.
Image Dual Potentiometer _ Trimmer This board provides two rotary potentiometers.
Image Gyroscope Interface to the L3G4200D three axis digital gyroscope.
Image Hall Effect The board has a Hall Effect sensor that gives a digital
Image Humidity Humidity and temperature sensor using an SHT21 IC connected via I2C - as used by the
Image Infrared The Infrared sensor board contains both an IR transmitter
Image Magnetometer LSM303DLHC Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensors
Image Magnetometer LSM303D Combined 6-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensors
Image PIR This board provides a PIR sensor which is read as a digital input.
Image Potentiometer This board consists of a standard shaft rotary potentiometer that provides a linear voltage
Image Rotary Encoder Provides a rotary encoder with dual digital outputs
Image Thermistor base Base component for creating thermistors.
Image Thermocouple TypeK A component matchin the Matrix EBM008 thermocouple board.
Image Touch Pads This board provides two touch areas for use with capacitive sensing.
Image Touch Slider This board provides two touch slide areas for use with capacitive sensing.
Image Ultrasonic This board has both an ultrasonic transmitter and
Image Circular Buffer Circular buffer component allowing easy and efficient first in first out (FIFO) style data byte storage.
Image EEPROM A means of reading data from and writing data to the EEPROM memory onboard the microcontroller.
Image FAT (SD, SDHC) FAT component allowing access to read and write files on a SD, SDHC or MMC card.
Image Lookup tables A lookup-table component allowing an easy way to place arrays of static data into ROM memory.