Usage Cases

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Revision as of 17:36, 10 March 2014 by BenR (talk | contribs)
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Embedded Engineer

An embedded engineer generally has a working knowledge of embedded hardware and software. They would usually use a programming language like C or Basic to allow them to develop programs to run on their custom purpose built hardware or development environment. Flowcode is ideal for embedded engineers as it can drastically help to increase development times by providing libraries of components with fully documented routines allowing you to quickly implement anything from a simple switch with proper de-bounce to a complex item like a GSM mobile phone connection. The Flowcode language also helps remove annoying bugs like typo's and syntax problems which are common in standard programming languages.

Flowcode is also an ideal tool for embedded engineers as it allows files to be shared between several engineers and merged together using the XML based file format.

The features of Simulation and debugging via the Matrix hardware provides an extra interface to help debug your system to get up and running as quickly as possible.

Test Engineer

A test engineer generally might have the same skill set as an embedded engineer but using Flowcode there is generally no need for this.

A test engineer might be tasked with testing a new piece of circuitry right the way through to testing the mechanics of a product like a push bike to make sure it has been built up to standard before shipping to a customer.

Using Flowcode's features like the ability for the simulation to talk to real hardware makes it much easier to setup a test rig that will log all the eventualities as they happen allowing you to catch things before they go wrong and complaints start coming in.

The [USB Slave] component allows a MIAC PLC to be connected and controlled via the Flowcode simulation so this can be a very powerful tool for testing.

The features of Simulation and debugging via the Matrix hardware provides an extra interface to help test your system and ensure everything is running as planned.

Systems Engineer

A systems engineer will typically be in charge of pulling all of the various aspects of a system together into one place so that all the different ethnologies in the system interact and work seamlessly. The Flowcode simulation environment is a great place for perfoming such tasks as it allow you to link in real world hardware and provide graphical representation of what is going on. e.g. a S.C.A.D.A type system.

Education / Learning to program

Flowcode is an ideal programming language for education as it provides a very straightforward interface to programming and gets around common mistakes such as syntax problems and typos.

Teachers and lecturers can use features like the macro export to create locked routines that the students cannot edit allowing them to learn in a straightforward yet controlled manner.