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<sidebar>Sidebar: Overview of Simulation</sidebar>

Revision as of 13:36, 29 May 2013

<sidebar>Sidebar: Overview of Simulation</sidebar> File:Project Options General Options.png

Clock speed

Select the Clock Speed option from the Build -> Project Options menu to change the speed of the simulation. Simulation speeds can vary from 0.25 Hz (or one simulation every 4 seconds) to 1000Hz (or one simulation every 0.001 seconds).

Simulation speed

In addition, you can ask Flowcode to simulate the flowchart as fast as possible. When this happens, Flowcode does not update the variables, call stack and microcontroller views whilst it is running but any external component views do get updated.

Configuration information

Select 'Configure' from within the Build > Project Options menu to open the chip download configuration window. A number of options are available that allow you to change download parameters. For details on the various options see Configuring the Chip.