Flowcode Help Overview

From Flowcode Help
Revision as of 08:05, 22 May 2013 by ReeceL (talk | contribs)
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New In Version 6
Technical Support
Licensed Compiler

Getting Started

Developing a Flowchart for a Chip
Tools and Views
Zooming the View
Selecting a Target Chip
Project Options
Activating Flowcode
Creating a Project Report

Working With Flowchart Files

Running Flowcode
Creating a New Flowchart
Opening an Existing Flowchart
Saving a Flowchart
Printing Flowcharts
Saving a Flowchart Image
Closing Flowcode
Global Options

Creating and Editing Flowcharts

Adding an Icon to a Flowchart
Selecting Icons
Flowchart Editing Functions
Undo and Redo
Using the Project Explorer
Find and Replace
Using the Icon Lists Pane
Supplementary Code
Using Masks
Disabling Icons
Icon Annotations
Icon Properties
Input Icon Properties
Output Icon Properties
Delay Icon Properties
Decision Icon Properties
Switch Icon Properties
Connection Point Icon Properties
Loop Icon Properties
Macro Icon Properties
Component Macro Icon Properties
Simulation Macro Icon Properties
Interrupt Icon Properties
Calculation Icon Properties
C Code Icon Properties
Comment Icon Properties

Adding and Editing Components

Adding Components
Editing Component Connections
Component Help Files
Component Properties

Working With Macros and Variables

Variable Manager
Creating Variables
Variable Types
Editing Variables
Creating a New Macro
Editing and Deleting Macros
Exporting a Macro
Importing a Macro
Custom Interrupts - PICmicro
Custom Interrupts - AVR
Custom Interrupts - ARM
Custom Interrupts - dsPIC/PIC24
Mathematical Functions
String Manipulation Functions

Simulating a Flowchart

Starting Flowchart Simulation
Simulating Icons Step by Step
Changing The Speed of a Simulation
Pausing And Stopping a Simulation
Watch Window (Variables Window)
Call Stack Window
In Circuit Debugging
Editing Key Mappings

Compiling Flowcharts To Devices

Specifying a Target Chip
Configuring the Chip
Compiling a Flowchart to a Chip
Managing Compiler Options
Selecting Compiler Options (PICmicro)
Selecting Compiler Options (AVR)
Selecting Compiler Options (ARM)
Selecting Compiler Options (dsPIC/PIC24)
Supporting Third Party Programming Tools
Viewing Code Output