Component: Thermocouple TypeK (Inputs: Sensors)

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Author Matrix TSL
Version 1.0 (Release)
Category Inputs: Sensors

Image Thermocouple TypeK component

A component matchin the Matrix EBM008 thermocouple board. As well as an interface to a standard TypeK thermocouple, this also includes a thermistor that is used for cold junction compensation.


This demo reads the temperature from both the thermistor and thermocouple.

The thermocouple requires calibration from the thermistor to read accurate temperatures. This is achieved by holding any switch on PORTD to set adjust the thermocouple to ambient. FC6 Icon.png EBM008 Example

Downloadable macro reference


Set the cold junction compensation point using a previously read ADC value.


UINT ADC_value
Integer ADC value.

Return value

This call does not return a value


Set the current thermistor temperature as the reference point for cold junction compenation.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Get the current Integer value for the thermocouple probe's ADC channel.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Get the current temperature in Celcius for the cold junction thermistor.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Get the current Integer value for the Cold Junction thermistor's ADC channel.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Get the thermocouple probe temperature with compensation for the cold junction temperature.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Set up the thermocouple sensor ready for use.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value

Simulation macro reference


For the simulated Type K thermistor...

Sends the given temperature to the display, and calculates the internal values used by the simulated read macros.


FLOAT Temperature
Zero to one value - representing min-max of the sensor.

Return value

This call does not return a value


For the simulated cold junction thermistor...

Sends the given temperature to the display, and calculates the internal values used by the simulated read macros.


FLOAT Temperature
Zero to one value - representing min-max of the sensor.

Return value

This call does not return a value

Property reference

Type K ADC Channel

This property is of type Single analog pin and can be referenced with the variable name TYPEK_CHANNEL.

Analog channel used for the Type K Thermocouple input

NTC ADC Channel

This property is of type Single analog pin and can be referenced with the variable name NTC_CHANNEL.

Analog channel used for the NTC Thermistor input


This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name VDD.

Operating Voltage of the hardware. ADC full scall is processor power rail


This property is of type Line of text and can be referenced with the variable name label.

A text label to help you identify the component on the panel.

Max. Temp.

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name max_temp_typeK.

Maximum termperature that can be set or displayed on the thermometer slider.

Min. Temp.

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name min_temp_typeK.

Minimum termperature that can be set or displayed on the thermometer slider.

Scale divisions

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name scale_divisions_typeK.

Number of numbered divisions shown on the thermometer scale.

Max. Temp.

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name max_temp_NTC.

Maximum termperature that can be set or displayed on the thermometer slider.

Min. Temp.

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name min_temp_NTC.

Minimum termperature that can be set or displayed on the thermometer slider.

Scale divisions

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name scale_divisions_NTC.

Number of numbered divisions shown on the thermometer scale.