Exercise - System Panel - Controlling Shapes

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The following assumes that you have added a single LED to the System Panel, as described in Exercise - System Panel - Adding Objects.

The aim of this exercise is to mount the LED on the car's instrument panel, and to control the viewpoint of the resulting component.

Gen exerciseSystemPanelcontrolviewpoint addcylinder 01.png
  • Move the LED into the top right-hand corner by clicking on the 'Move with the mouse' icon.
  • Click and drag a cylinder from the vertical toolbar onto the System Panel.

  • Click on it to select it. You will see five properties listed on the Panel Properties,
'Shape', 'Color', 'Outline', 'Thickness' and 'Image'.
  • The default 'color' property is red (0x0000C0). Click on tis value, and change the color to black (0x000000).

Gen exerciseSystemPanelcontrolviewpoint scaleicon 01.png
  • Click on the 'Scale with mouse' icon on the top, horizontal toolbar.