Flowcode Help Overview

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Version 6

  • New in Flowcode 6 - Introduction to new features in Flowcode 6 and other useful information
  • Chips - List of supported microcontroller devices in Flowcode 6
  • Migrating to Flowcode 6 - Help and advise moving to v6 from an older version

Getting Started






Title Description
Panels_Where_And_Why What the panels do and how they help you design your system
Dashboard_Panel More in depth information on the dashboard panel
System_Panel More in depth information on the system panel
Zooming_the_View Zooming in and out on panels
Camera_Control Controlling the camera looking at the panel
Object_Position Object positioning on the panels
Local_and_World_Space Local vs World space regarding coordinates
Object_Scale Objects and their scale
Object_Rotation Rotating objects
Working_With_Meshes Using meshes inside Flowcode

Tools and Views

Title Description
Tools_and_Views Various tools and views available inside Flowcode
Using_the_Data_Console How to use the data console window in your programs
Using_the_Data_Scope How to use the data scope window in your programs
Using_the_Icon_Lists_Pane The icon lists pane
Project_Options Detailed help on the Project Options window
Global_Options Detailed help on the Global Options window
Web_Access_Panel The web access panel
Chip_View The chip view window
Analog_Window The analogue inputs window
Properties_Panel The properties panel
Simulation_Debugger The simulation debugger window
Component_Debugger The component debugger window
Supplementary_Code Supplementary code and its usage
Saving_Images_in_Flowcode Creating images of your flowchart source
Auto_Documentation Auto documentation features to speed up development
Window_Layouts The window layouts manager


Title Description
Common_Components Information on some of the more commonly used components
What_Is_a_Switch? Detailed information regarding the switch components
What_Is_an_LED? Detailed information regarding the LED components
What_Is_an_LCD? Detailed information regarding the LCD components
What_Is_a_7_Segment_Display? Detailed information regarding the 7Seg components
What_Is_a_Keypad? Detailed information regarding the keypad components
Selecting_Component_Macros Information on how to use component macros
Component_Help_Files How to get access to component help via Flowcode
Components Component help overview
Component_Properties Information on how to use component properties
Component_Tree Information regarding the component tree hierarchy
Replacing_a_Component Replacing one component with another
CAL_Components Overview of code abstraction layer components
DSP Overview of digital signal processing components
Using_the_Data_Injector Data injectors and communications components
Component_Directories Information on creating your own components directories
Editing_Key_Mappings Assigning keyboard presses to functionality during simulation

Component Creation

Title Description
Creating_a_Property How to create a property
Panel_Managers Overview of the component creation panel managers
Assigning_Code_to_an_Existing_Component Complementing or overriding an existing components functionality
Base_Components The base components and their function
Using_A_Base_Component Creating a new component using a base


Title Description
Starting_Flowchart_Simulation Information on how to use the flowchart simulation
Simulating_Icons_Step_by_Step Stepping through icons
Breakpoints Using breakpoints
Changing_the_Speed_of_a_Simulation Changing the run speed of the simulator
Simulation_Only_Code Code designed to work only via the simulator
Simulation_Events Event macros used to provide more functionality to both simulation and compiled code

Chip Specifics

Title Description
Compiling_a_Flowchart_to_a_Chip Information on how to compile a flowchart into machine code
Internal_Oscillator Specifics on using an internal oscillator
Phase_Locked_Loop_(PLL) Specifics on using a PLL frequency multiplier
Custom_Interrupts Custom interrupts for your hardware
Debugging_Hardware_and_Software Tips on how to debug hardware and software
In_Circuit_Debugging Overview of the in circuit debugging (ICD) interface
In_Circuit_Test Overview of the in circuit test (ICT) interface
Supporting_Third_Party_Programming_Tools Using 3rd party programmers such as PICkit and Arduino
Viewing_Code_Output Viewing the code generated by Flowcode
Managing_Compiler_Options Overview of the compiler options settings
FCD_Data_Collection Chip definition files and how to collect data from them


Title Description
Frequently_Asked_Questions Frequently asked questions
Reporting_a_Bug How to report a bug in Flowcode
Licensed_Compiler Compiler specifics and license agreement
Technical_Support Information on how to get further support