Event Reference

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Revision as of 16:15, 12 November 2013 by JonnyW (talk | contribs) (XML import for latest events)
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<sidebar>Event Contents</sidebar> Flowcode provides an event interface to help writing simulation and PC-side programs.

This event list allows Flowcode to communicate with the components through macros.

An event may be thought of as a simulation-side interrupt. Each event associated with a Flowcode program will call a macro when that event occurs.

Events are grouped by class to provide context for their use. Below is a reference to the classes and events available:

Preprocess Broadcast to all components immediately before compilation is started
AddProperty Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of global property declarations
AddConst Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of global variable declarations
AddVarSize Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of global array-size declarations
AddVar Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of global constant declarations
AddHeader Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of header code
AddInterrupts Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of the interrupts for a component
AddInterrupt Sent to a component to allow dynamic amendment of a single interrupts code
Start Broadcast to all components that compilation is starting
Stop Broadcast to all components that compilation has stopped
GetVarSize Sent to a component to amend the size of the expected array
Property Sent when a property has been changed by the User
Added Broadcast to all existing components once a new component has been added
Adding Broadcast to all existing components when a new component is about to be added
Resize Sent to the mouse target when the user has altered the position of a component child
Removed Broadcast to all remaining components once an existing component has been removed
Removing Broadcast to all existing components when an existing component is about to be removed
Closedown Closedown routine for the component
Closing Pre-Closedown routine for the component, sent when the component is linked
Initialise Initialisation routine for the component once the component is linked to its parent
Initialising Initialisation routine before the component is linked to its parent
AddLine Post to the owning component when a line is inserted by the user
TextChanged Post when the console text is changed by the user in some way
MemChanged Post when the console memory is changed by the user in some way
PinPopulate Sent when auto-populate of digital connections is requested
PinChange Sent during simulation if a connected port pin changes
AnPopulate Sent when auto-populate of analog connections is requested
AnChange Sent during simulation if a connected ADC channel changes
ChipChange Sent when the target device has changed
Unconnected Sent when the component is compiled with unconnected pins
Decode Sent when a block of the stream is to be decoded into packets
Overlay Sent when the mouse hovers over a scope stream
Pause Broadcast to all components that simulation has paused
Resume Broadcast to all components that simulation has resumed
Start Broadcast to all components that simulation is starting
Stop Broadcast to all components that simulation has stopped
CleanHandle Called when a custom handle is deleted to allow cleanup of resources
Timer Called back on the panel command System.TimerStart
User Called back on the panel command System.Notify
Complete Sent when a sound queued by the component has finished playing
GraphicPoll Called when a tooltip graphic is updating with the draw image already pushed
GetText Called when a tooltip text string can be displayed
GetGraphic Called when a tooltip graphic can be displayed with the draw image already pushed
Changed Sent when a file being watched has changed
Closed Sent when a file monitor is being closed
Animated Notification than an animation has finished
Redraw Reconstructs and redraws the target component
ButtonName Sent to give a meaningful name to a button on a simulated mouse-click
KeyMapDown Post when a mapped key is pressed for the component
KeyMapUp Post when a mapped key is released for the component
MappingKeys Sent to find out how many keys it is possible to map to the component during simulation
MappingName Sent to give a meaningful name to a custom key-map event for a component
Release Post when the mouse is released on a child of the component during simulation
Click Post when the mouse is clicked on a child of the component during simulation
Drag Post when the mouse is dragged on a child of the component during simulation