API Panel.Position.Camera.GetEye

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Revision as of 08:26, 18 June 2013 by JonnyW (talk | contribs)
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<sidebar>API contents</sidebar> Gets a handle to the eye camera position

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This function has no parameters

Return value


Returns the handle to the eye camera position

Detailed description

This gets the position of the eye of the camera - this is the point the camera appears to be looking from. The camera is always the first view of the System Panel. No other camera position can be manipulated with this API.

The cameras eye is always orientated looking towards the target in Z along a ray perpendicular to the target plane (also known as the object plane).

Parts of the camera

The coordinates and rotation are variable depending on the position of the camera, but the scale is unused and set to (1,1,1) for the resultant position. This position is compatible with any of the Position API calls.


Calling in a calculation

  • Declare a variable 'result' of type HANDLE
  • Add to a calculation icon:
    result = ::Panel.Position.Camera.GetEye()

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