Component: Injector (Flowcode vNet) (Comms)

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Author Matrix Ltd
Version 1.0 (Release)
Category Comms
This inherits from Data Injector Template

Image Injector (Flowcode vNet) component

Comms data injector to allow components to talk to each other between instances of Flowcode. The injector allows the data to be sent and received between multiple instances of Flowcode either running on a single machine, across a network or via the internet.


Simple Single Instance

Sends out data and prints incoming data to an LCD. Uses the same port number for transmit and receive.

FC6 Icon.png SingleInstanceVnet

Simple Multi Instance

The first program sends out data.

FC6 Icon.png UartVnetDemoTx

The second program receives the data and prints to an LCD.

FC6 Icon.png UartVnetDemoRx

Remote Lock

Here is an example of using the vNet injector to simulate a multi microcontroller system.

Microcontroller 1 is connected to a keypad and has a RS232 communications connection.

Microcontroller 2 is connected to a solenoid and has a RS232 communications connection.

Any key presses detected on microcontroller 1 will be sent via RS232 to microcontroller 2. If the correct byte sequence (1234) is received by microcontroller 2 then the solenoid is fired to unlock a door for 5 seconds.

FC6 Icon.png vNet Example Node 1

FC6 Icon.png vNet Example Node 2

Communications over the vNet injector can be monitored using the console.


Modbus Master and Slave example using vNet

Example of communicating using Modbus Master and Slave using two instances of Flowcode and the vNet injector component.

FC6 Icon.png ModbusMasterDemo

FC6 Icon.png ModBusSlaveDemo

Downloadable macro reference

This component does not contain any downloadable macros

Simulation macro reference

This component inherits simulation macros from Data Injector Template


Sets up the injector ready to receive commands or send data


<- STRING InjectorName
Name of the console that will be created
This parameter may be returned back to the caller

Return value



Returns the number of bytes currently sat in the receive buffer.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Puts a byte onto the comms channel.


BYTE DataByte

Return value

This call does not return a value


Attempt to receive a byte back from the injector

0 - 255 = Valid data

256 = RX timeout no data available


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Gets the handle to the console allowing data displaying on the panel etc.

This call is provided by Data Injector Template


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Changes the state for I2C or SPI type comms where the data bytes along are not enough to go on.

This call is provided by Data Injector Template


BYTE NewState
Assigns new state, 0=default

Return value

This call does not return a value


Gets the handle to the console allowing data displaying on the panel etc.

This call is provided by Data Injector Template


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Gets the handle to the console allowing data displaying on the panel etc.


This macro has no parameters

Return value


Property reference

Network Interface

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name Interface.

Allows different network interfaces to be selected.

The current network interface can be determined by looking at the My IP properties.

TCP Channel

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name TCPChannel.

TCP Channel Instance, allows multiple servers and clients to run on the same machine or inside the same simulation.

Incoming Port

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name IPort.

Port used for incoming communications. 80=HTTP

Ports have to match up to allow communications to be sent and received.

Outgoing Port

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name Port.

Port used for outgoing communications. 80=HTTP

Ports have to match up to allow communications to be sent and received.

Connection Mode

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name Mode.

Specified if this Vnet node is going to connect to another instance of Flowcode running on this PC or a networked PC.

Circular Buffer Size

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name CircularBufferSize.

Size of the circular buffers used to temporarily store the incoming and outgoing data.

Remote IP0

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name ServerIP0.

Remotel IP address to connect to byte 0

Remote IP1

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name ServerIP1.

Remotel IP address to connect to byte 1

Remote IP2

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name ServerIP2.

Remotel IP address to connect to byte 2

Remote IP3

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name ServerIP3.

Remotel IP address to connect to byte 3

My IP0

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name MyIP0.

Local IP address byte 0

My IP1

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name MyIP1.

Local IP address byte 1

My IP2

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name MyIP2.

Local IP address byte 2

My IP3

This property is of type Unsigned integer and can be referenced with the variable name MyIP3.

Local IP address byte 3