Component: LED Matrix (HT16K33) (Outputs: LEDs)

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Author Matrix Ltd
Version 1.0 (Release)
Category Outputs: LEDs

Image LED Matrix (HT16K33) component

LED Matrix component designed to work using a HT16K33 LED driver IC. Can drive up to 16 x 8 (128) LEDs.


No additional examples

Downloadable macro reference


Prints an ASCII string onto the LED Matrix a column at a time.


<- STRING Data
Data string to display on the LEDs
This parameter may be returned back to the caller
UINT Animation_Delay
Delay in milliseconds between writing to the next column
BYTE Leadout
Allows the text to scroll completely off the display before returning 0=No, 1=Yes
BYTE Add_Spaces
Add spaces between each ASCII character 0=No, 1=Yes

Return value

This call does not return a value


Configures the brightness of the LEDs by varying the On portion of the duty.


BYTE Brightness
Range: 0-15 - 0 = Min Brightness, 15 = Full Brightness

Return value

This call does not return a value


Shifts the columns one place to the right.

Used for things like displaying scrolling text.


BYTE Direction
0 = Shift Left, 1 = Shift Right

Return value

This call does not return a value


Sets all of the LEDs in the matrix to the off state.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Allows a single LED to be controlled.


0 = LED Off, 1 = LED On
Range: 0-7
BYTE Column
Range: 0-15

Return value

This call does not return a value


Writes a command.


BYTE Command

Return value

This call does not return a value


Allows a single column of data to be inserted, Acts to shift the rest of the columns across by one.


Data to display on the column of LEDs
BYTE Column
Range: 0-15

Return value

This call does not return a value


Writes a value to a register.


BYTE Address
BYTE Value

Return value

This call does not return a value


Configures the I2C peripheral and sets up the HT16K33 IC ready to drive the LEDs.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value

Simulation macro reference

This component does not contain any simulation macros

Property reference

LED Type

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name led_type.

Active high outputs a logic 1 to set the LED and logic 0 to clear the LED.

Active low outputs a logic 0 to set the LED and logic 1 to clear the LED

Row Count

This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name num_rows.

Number of LED rows

Column Count

This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name num_cols.

Number of LED columns

LED Count

This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name led_cnt.

Total number of LEDs in the component

Slave Address

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name SlaveAddress.

No additional information


This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::CHANNEL.

Channel selection

Baud Select

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::BAUD_LIST.

Baud rate option selector

Baud Rate

This property is of type Signed integer and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::BAUD.

Baud rate to be used

Stop Delay

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::StopDel.

On older microcontroller devices there is a potential for the I2C hardware channel to lock up if there is not

a 10ms delay between an I2C stop event and the next I2C start event.

Most modern microcontrollers will not have a problem so this property can be disabled to speed up the

I2C communications.


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::SDA.

Pin used for SDA (data signal)


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::SCL.

Pin used for SCL (clock signal)

On Color

This property is of type Color picker and can be referenced with the variable name on_col.

Simulated colour of the LEDs when switched On

Off Color

This property is of type Color picker and can be referenced with the variable name off_col.

Simulated colour of the LEDs when switched Off

Simulation Type

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name SimType.

Sets the simulation type.

Component GUI allows the object on the panel to reflect what the reakl life LED matrix should do.

I2C Injector allows the I2C communications to be simulated via injectors.

Column Spacing

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name col_spacing.

Simulation column spacing


This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name width.

Simulation LED width

Row Spacing

This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name row_spacing.

Simulation row spacing


This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name height.

Simulated LED height


This property is of type Floating point and can be referenced with the variable name depth.

Simulated LED Depth (3D environments only)

LED Shape

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name Shape.

Simulated LED basic shape

Redraw LEDs

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name redraw.

Simulated LED redraw option, display will not be updated until the redraw is set to Yes.

Automatically revers back to No after the refresh has been performed.

Scope Traces

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::ScopeTraces.

Selects if the scope traces are automatically generated or not

Console Data

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::ConsoleData.

Selects if the console data is automatically generated or not


This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_i2c1::Injector.

No additional information