Component: Starburst Display (Displays: Segment)

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Author Matrix TSL
Version 1.4 (Release)
Category Displays: Segment

Image Starburst Display component

Starburst 14 or 16 segment display modelled after a standard 14mm high unit. LED colour can be changed in properties.


Example program showing how to use the starburst display component to display alphanumeric ASCII characters. FC6 Icon.png Starburst Test Example program showing how to multiplex between several starburst displays. Takes an ADC reading and displays the reading in decimal using 4 starburst display components. FC6 Icon.png Starburst Multi Example program showing how to multiplex between several starburst displays. Takes an ADC reading and displays the reading in hexadecimal using 4 starburst display components. FC6 Icon.png Starburst Multi Hex StarBurst.jpg

Downloadable macro reference


This funtion clears all the individual segments including the decimal point segment. In simulation this sets the colours to the default BGColor component variable.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Creates the supplied digit on the 7 segment display. Macro takes the digit to display and a boolean representing whether to display the decimal point segment or not.


BYTE Segments0
Segment bits 0=Off 1=On : F/E/D2/D/C/B/A2/A
BYTE Segments1
Segment bits 0=Off 1=On : M/L/K/J/I/H/G2/G1
BYTE DecimalPoint
Segment bits 0=Off 1=On : DecimalPoint

Return value

This call does not return a value


Allows certain pre-programmed characters to be displayed.

0-9, A-Z, $, [, ], +, -, \, /, *, _, {, }, .


BYTE Character
0-9 or A-Z
BYTE DecimalPoint
0=Off, 1=On

Return value

This call does not return a value

Simulation macro reference

This component does not contain any simulation macros

Property reference

Display Segments

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name DisplaySegs.

Controls the starburst display type and number of segments available.

Display Type

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name display_type.

Set this property to match your hardware device.

Common Anode: Common Pin High, Segment Pin Low = LED On

Common Cathode: Common Pin Low, Segment Pin High = LED On

Common Mode

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name commonmode.

Controls if the display will be multiplexed or always on.

Multplexed uses the common pin to switch a individual display on or off allowing for multiple displays.

Always on removes the common pin assuming you are only using a single starburst display.

Show Seg Labels

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name ShowSegLabels.

Show the identifier lables of the segments overlayed over the component.

Pin A1

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pina1.

Pin connected to the 'A1' segment of the display.

Pin A2

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pina2.

Pin connected to the 'A2' segment of the display.

Pin B

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinb.

Pin connected to the 'B' segment of the display.

Pin C

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinc.

Pin connected to the 'C' segment of the display.

Pin D1

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pind1.

Pin connected to the 'D1' segment of the display.

Pin D2

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pind2.

Pin connected to the 'D2' segment of the display.

Pin E

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pine.

Pin connected to the 'E' segment of the display.

Pin F

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinf.

Pin connected to the 'F' segment of the display.

Pin G1

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name ping1.

Pin connected to the 'G1' segment of the display.

Pin G2

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name ping2.

Pin connected to the 'G2' segment of the display.

Pin H

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinh.

Pin connected to the 'H' segment of the display.

Pin I

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pini.

Pin connected to the 'I' segment of the display.

Pin J

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinj.

Pin connected to the 'J' segment of the display.

Pin K

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pink.

Pin connected to the 'K' segment of the display.

Pin L

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinl.

Pin connected to the 'L' segment of the display.

Pin M

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pinm.

Pin connected to the 'M' segment of the display.

Pin DP

This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name pindp.

Pin connected to the decimal point segment of the display.


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name common_pin.

Pin connection to the 'common' pin of the display - to allow enable/disable of the whole display.

LED Color

This property is of type Color picker and can be referenced with the variable name FGColor.

Color when an LED is turned on. When turned off, will use a much darker shade of the same hue.

Bezel Color

This property is of type Color picker and can be referenced with the variable name BGColor.

Color of the plastic package housing the LEDs

Label Color

This property is of type Color picker and can be referenced with the variable name LabelColor.

Color of the optional segment name labels.