C Code Simulation

From Flowcode Help
Revision as of 14:45, 23 May 2018 by DanielM (talk | contribs)
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Flowcode can simulate C code inside of C Code icons by using the C Simulation button. The C Simulation button can be found on the main toolbar and via the DEBUG menu.


By default no C code will be simulated until the C Simulation button is enabled. C Code icons will simply be skipped by the simulator.

The C Simulation button is enabled when the button icon is highlighted by a bounding square.


Here is an example program that counts up and down in binary using Port A and a Combo Board component to show the LED signals.

FC6 Icon.png C Simulation Example


The C Simulation feature is similar to the C Code to Flowchart Conversion feature that converts C code into Flowchart icons.