Icon Properties

From Flowcode Help
Revision as of 08:03, 16 May 2013 by ReeceL (talk | contribs)
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The properties of an icon defines how it behaves when compiled/assembled and when simulated in Flowcode. As each icon has different properties that the user can edit: see the topic on the particular icon of interest. To edit an icon's properties, either select the icon and the select the Properties option from the Edit menu or simply double click on the icon in the flowchart. The icon's properties can also be displayed by right clicking on the icon to display a context menu and then selecting properties from that menu.

<img> Input icon properties

<img> Output icon properties

<img> Delay icon properties

<img> Decision icon properties


<img> Connection point icon properties

<img> Loop icon properties

<img> Macro icon properties

<img> Component Macro icon properties

<img> Calculation icon properties

<img> Interrupt icon properties

<img> C code icon properties

<img> Comment icon properties