C Code to Flowchart Conversion

From Flowcode Help
Revision as of 15:39, 31 May 2018 by DanielM (talk | contribs)
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How to convert C code to Flowchart icons

Flowcode can convert C Code inside of C Code icons into Flowchart icons by using the Convert Custom C to Icons, right click menu item.


Multiple C Code icons can be converted at once by dragging the mouse or by holding control and left clicking on icons to select multiple icons.

Any warnings or user messages will be displayed in the Conversion messages window that appears when converting C Code into Flowchart icons.


Here is an example program that counts up and down in binary using Port A and a Combo Board component to show the LED signals.

FC6 Icon.png C Simulation Example

Here is the file before conversion to Flowchart icons.


Here is the same file after converting the C Code into Flowchart icons.


The C Code to Flowchare icon feature is similar to the C Simulation feature that allows custom C Code to be simulated.