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''<span style="color:red;">No additional examples</span>''
Simple Master program that sends an incrementing test value to the SPI bus as well as outputting the value onto LEDs.
Simple Slave program that collects the value sent by the master and outputs the value onto LEDs. Allows the master slave comms to be compared to check that everything is working correctly.
Another simple example to buffer incoming SPI bytes sent by the master and output these to the LCD.

Latest revision as of 10:19, 22 October 2018

Author Matrix Ltd
Version 1.0 (Release)
Category Comms: Interface

Image SPI Slave component

Low level routines for controlling or interacting with an SPI interface. SPI or Serial Peripheral Interface is a bus used for board level communications between devices. A target microcontroller will usually have at least one hardware SPI peripheral built in.


Simple Master program that sends an incrementing test value to the SPI bus as well as outputting the value onto LEDs.

FC6 Icon.png SPI_Master

Simple Slave program that collects the value sent by the master and outputs the value onto LEDs. Allows the master slave comms to be compared to check that everything is working correctly.

FC6 Icon.png SPI_Slave

Another simple example to buffer incoming SPI bytes sent by the master and output these to the LCD.

FC6 Icon.png SPI_Slave2

Downloadable macro reference


General purpose SPI send byte macro


Data byte to send

Return value

This call does not return a value


General purpose SPI get byte macro


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Deactivates the SPI peripheral leaving the I/O pins in a state where they can be used for general purpose I/O.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Activates the SPI peripheral and claims control over the I/O pins.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value

Simulation macro reference

This component does not contain any simulation macros

Property reference


This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::CHANNEL.

SPI Channel selector


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::MOSI.

SPI Data Out Pin SDO - Also Known as Master Out Slave In (MOSI) when used in Master mode.


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::MISO.

SPI Data In Pin SDI - Also Known as Master In Slave Out (MISO) when used in Master mode.


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::CLK.

SPI Clock Pin CLK - The Clock signal is driven by the SPI master.

Use Slave Select

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::UseCS.

No additional information


This property is of type Single digital pin and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::SS.

Chip Select / Slave Select Pin

Master Mode: General purpose output pin used to select the remote SPI device.

Slave Mode: Hardware chip select pin input used to select the SPI device.

Clock Phase

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::CKE.

Clock Phase (data change edge) selection

Clock Polarity

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::CKP.

Clock Polarity setting, inactive (idle) state

Sample Point

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::SMP.

Data bit read sample point


This property is of type Line of text and can be referenced with the variable name label.

Label used to identify the component on the panel.

Scope Traces

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::ScopeTraces.

Selects if the scope traces are automatically generated or not

Console Data

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::ConsoleData.

Selects if the console data is automatically generated or not


This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name cal_spi::Injector.

No additional information