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Flowcode SCADA API

Device Manufacturer Comms Description Embedded Firmware Component Source Project Runtime Example Project USB Driver
FTD2XX FTDI USB General purpose USB driver chip N/A Component Example Driver
K8055D Velleman USB General purpose USB I/O board N/A Component Example Driver
PS2000 Pico Technology USB Oscilloscope N/A Component Example Driver
PL155-P TTI USB Power supply N/A Component Example Driver
TG5011 TTI USB Signal generator N/A Component Example Driver
Formula Allcode Matrix Bluetooth(SPP) Educational robot buggy N/A N/A Examples N/A
MIAC Allcode Matrix USB / Bluetooth(SPP) / WiFi / RS232 / RS485 General purpose industrial controller Firmware N/A Examples ZIP Icon.png

USB Serial Driver

MIAC PIC Matrix USB General purpose industrial controller ZIP Icon.png

MIAC USB Slave Firmware

Component Examples ZIP Icon.png

USB Driver

Arduino Uno Arduino USB Board level chip I/O device ZIP Icon.png

Arduino Uno SCADA Firmware

Component Examples Arduino IDE
ECIO28P Matrix USB Board level chip I/O device ZIP Icon.png

ECIO28P SCADA Firmware

Component Examples ZIP Icon.png

USB Serial Driver

ECIO40P Matrix USB Board level chip I/O device ZIP Icon.png

ECIO40P SCADA Firmware

Component Examples ZIP Icon.png

USB Serial Driver

Interface Board Rowland Technology USB / Bluetooth(SPP) / WiFi Board level chip I/O device Interface Board Firmware Component Source Examples USB Driver
Locktronics PIC Matrix USB Locktronics Compatible I/O device Firmware Component Example ZIP Icon.png

USB Serial Driver

AllCode Examples

Formula AllCode

A simple example showing how to drive the Formula AllCode robot around in API mode using a panel based joystick control.

FC6 Icon.png Formula AllCode Bluetooth

The COM port for the Formula AllCode can be set via the panel properties which can be exposed to the SCADA runtime user.

MIAC AllCode

A simple example showing how to drive the MIAC AllCode PLC from a SCADA application using Bluetooth or WIFI.

FC6 Icon.png MIAC AllCode

Arduino Examples

Arduino Uno Slave

A simple example demonstrating how to use an Arduino with Flowcode SCADA.

Firstly we have an embedded project targetting an Arduino Uno that is connected to a bank of LEDs, a bank of switches and a temperature/humidity sensor.

FC6 Icon.png ArduinoUnoFW

Secondly we have a SCADA project that can interrogate and control the Arduino Uno allowing access to the switches, termperature and humidity while also allowing the LEDs to be controlled.

FC6 Icon.png ArduinoUnoSCADA

Internet Based Examples


Local Weather

A simple example demonstrating how to use MQTT with Flowcode SCADA to get the local weather conditions.

The example shows temperatures from Halifax in the UK and from Sydney in Australia.


Publish and Subscribe

A simple example to combine together an embedded device and a SCADA application.

Firstly we have an embedded Raspberry Pi project connected to an I2C Sensor, the sensor is sampled and the data is published to a MQTT server.

FC6 Icon.png RPI3 MQTT IOT EBM016

Next we subscribe to the data and receive it back into Flowcode SCADA.


Modbus TCP

A simple example demonstrating how to use the Modbus TCP components with Flowcode SCADA.

Here we have two Flowcoded SCADA projects communicting with each other. Though the master or slave could be replaced with embedded Modbus TCP hardware.

FC6 Icon.png Modbus TCP Master

FC6 Icon.png Modbus TCP Slave

Webserver Embedded Files

A simple example demonstrating how to host a website with fixed HTTP content including dynamic sections that can be passed in and out of Flowcode SCADA.

For example a dynamic section could be used to display a variable value on a webpage such as a temperature or used to control Flowcode e.g. turn on an output.

FC6 Icon.png Webserver Embedded

Webserver Dynamic Files

A simple example demonstrating how to host a website with dynamic content based on external files including dynamic sections that can be passed in and out of Flowcode SCADA.

For example a dynamic section could be used to display a variable value on a webpage such as a temperature or used to control Flowcode e.g. turn on an output.

FC6 Icon.png Webserver FileSystem

ZIP Icon.png Webserver Files

Generic Examples

Industrial Tanks

A simple example showing the hoppers, valves and pipes working together. Each tank automatically empties in turn.

FC6 Icon.png Industrial Tanks

Key Mappings

A simple example showing the use of key mapping to switch three LED outputs on and off using the number keys 1, 2 and 3.

The keys are assigned via the Edit -> Key Mappings menu in Flowcode and continue to work after the SCADA project has been exported as a stand alone project.

FC6 Icon.png Key Mappings