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===Direct Slave Access===
Here is a simple demo to switch on and off digital pin 5 (the LED pin).  
Here is a simple demo to switch on and off digital pin 5 (the LED pin).  
{{Fcfile|SCADA_ECIO28P_Test.fcsx|ECIO28P SCADA Example}}
{{Fcfile|SCADA_ECIO28P_Test.fcsx|ECIO28P SCADA Example}}
===Rapid Development - Virtualised SPI===
A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.
The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.
The CS pin and SPI Prescaler are set via the properties of the Injector component.
The SPI Master component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.
The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.
{{Fcfile|ECIO_SCADASlave_SPI.fcfx|ECIO SCADA Slave SPI Demo}}
===Rapid Development - Virtualised I2C===
A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.
The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.
The I2C Master component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.
The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.
{{Fcfile|ECIO_SCADASlave_I2C.fcfx|ECIO SCADA Slave I2C Demo}}
===Rapid Development - Virtualised UART===
A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.
The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.
The Baud rate and optional RS485 Properties are set via the properties of the Injector component.
The UART component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.
The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.
{{Fcfile|ECIO_SCADASlave_UART.fcfx|ECIO SCADA Slave UART Demo}}
==Downloadable macro reference==
==Downloadable macro reference==

Latest revision as of 15:05, 12 March 2019

Author Matrix TSL
Version 1.0 (Release)
Category SCADA Slaves

Image SCADA (ECIO28P) component

Connects to an ECIO28P running the SCADA ECIO28P Firmware allowing the board to become a slave to the flowcode simulation runtime. Supports: Digital IO / ADC / I2C / SPI / PWM / UART See Flowcode Help Wiki for firmware.

Detailed description

The SCADA (ECIO28P) component allows an ECIO28P board to be controlled from within the Flowcode simulation runtime.

To allow Flowcode to communicate and control the ECIO28P hardware the board must first be pre-programmed with dedicated firmware.

The firmware hex file and Flowcode source project can be downloaded from here.

ZIP Icon.png ECIO28P SCADA Firmware

More information about the workings of the firmware project can be found on the FiniteStateMachine page.

The COM port to the ECIO hardware is selected via the SCADA_ECIO28P component COM port property.

When building the component into a SCADA project remember to expose the COM port property to allow the end user to select the correct port for the hardware.

The console window can display data in two modes which is set via a component property.

  • fixed statistics showing IO / ADC inputs / PWM
  • scrolling log showing all commands and returns


Direct Slave Access

Here is a simple demo to switch on and off digital pin 5 (the LED pin).

FC6 Icon.png ECIO28P SCADA Example

Rapid Development - Virtualised SPI

A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.

The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.

The CS pin and SPI Prescaler are set via the properties of the Injector component.

The SPI Master component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.

The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.

FC6 Icon.png ECIO SCADA Slave SPI Demo

Rapid Development - Virtualised I2C

A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.

The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.

The I2C Master component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.

The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.

FC6 Icon.png ECIO SCADA Slave I2C Demo

Rapid Development - Virtualised UART

A feature of the SCADA Slave interface is to use the component for rapid development.

The SCADA Slave hardware can be used to take communications from the Flowcode simulation and transfer them to a real world device allowing for easy code generation and test without having to download to a target microcontroller device.

The Baud rate and optional RS485 Properties are set via the properties of the Injector component.

The UART component is linked to the Injector component via the Injector property.

The Injector component is linked to the SCADA Slave component via the SCADA Slave property.

FC6 Icon.png ECIO SCADA Slave UART Demo

Downloadable macro reference

This component does not contain any downloadable macros

Simulation macro reference


Initialise the I2C module ready for communications


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Sets the selected digital pin to an input and reads the input state.


Range: 0-18

Return value

BOOL : Returns true if the operation is a success, else false


Control the communications rate of the UART module


0=1200, 1=2400, 2=4800, 3=9600, 4=19200, 5=38400, 6=57600, 7=115200

Return value

This call does not return a value


Reads the voltage present on an Alanog pin as an 8-bit value range 0-255


Range: 0-12

Return value



Check to see if the UART module has received any data


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Initialise the UART module ready for communications


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Put the I2C Module into Restart mode


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Disable a PWM output


BYTE Channel
Range: 0-1

Return value

This call does not return a value


Receive a byte using the I2C bus


Last byte to receive: Range 0-1

Return value



Put the I2C Module into Start mode


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Transfer a byte using the SPI bus


BYTE DataOut

Return value



Put the I2C Module into Stop mode


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Modify the speed of the SPI bus


BYTE Prescaler
Range: 0-2

Return value

This call does not return a value


Sets the duty for the PWM output


BYTE Channel
Range: 0-5

Return value

This call does not return a value


Reads the voltage present on an Alanog pin as an 10-bit value range 0-1023


Range: 0-12

Return value



Sets the selected digital pin to an output and assigns the output state.


Range: 0-18
BOOL State
Range: 0-1

Return value

This call does not return a value


Receives a data byte from the UART.

Recommend calling the UARTCheckRx function first to ensure data is available.


This macro has no parameters

Return value



Initialsie the SPI module ready for communications


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value


Transmit a byte using the I2C bus


BYTE DataOut

Return value

BOOL : Returns true if the operation is a success, else false


Send a byte via the UART module


Data Byte to send. Range: 0-255

Return value

This call does not return a value


Sets the prescaler for the PWM output


BYTE Prescaler

Return value

This call does not return a value


Enable a PWM output


BYTE Channel
Range: 0-1

Return value

This call does not return a value


Initialise the comms to the Arduino board ready for commands to be sent.


This macro has no parameters

Return value

This call does not return a value

Property reference

Data Source

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name scada_uart1::DataSource.

Simulation data source used to allow the component to connect to various remote devices

   Nothing - Simulation data is ignored
   COM port - Routes the communication data to and from a physical or virtual COM port 
   Injector - Routes the communication data via a data injector component on the Panel.

COM Port

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name scada_uart1::com_port.

Lists all the current available COM port hardware on your PC.

Refresh Ports

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name scada_uart1::RefreshPorts.

No additional information

Console Log

This property is of type True or false and can be referenced with the variable name ConsoleLog.

Create an automatic console log of the commands sent to the Arduino

Log Mode

This property is of type Fixed list of ints and can be referenced with the variable name LogMode.

Controls how the console data is formatted.

Fixed statistics gives an easy to read overview of the IO, Analog and PWM functionality

Command Log gives a more in depth analysis of the outgoing commands and incoming returns