changing microprocessor type issue

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changing microprocessor type issue

Post by fransky »

I have a flowcode 3 program that runs fine on a 16F88 processor.
It uses (lowest 3 bits of) port A for digital output, port B as digital input (simple pushbuttion E-block for instance)

Since I wanted another version that would allow more data to be output during operation for status monitoring, I decided to try running it on a 16F877A and attach an LCD display (or the LED E-block for instance) to one of the extra ports (I tried port C).

I replaced the 16F88 with the 16F877A on the programmer, changed the target chip in flowcode to 16F877A and compiled to the chip. Compiling and coding go allright, but the program does not run at all. Also the hardware reset does not seem to function.
When I let flowcode autodetect the chip in the configuration screen, it does detect the 16F877A allright.

When I start with a new empty flowcode program file, select 16F877A as target chip and write some simple statements inputting bytes from port B and outputting them to port A and C everything works fine, so there's nothing wrong with the programmer board or the 16F877A

My last try was to take my 16F88 based program, export macros from it and import those in the "freshly made for the 16F877A" flowcode file.
This however does not compile. I get an error message saying (translation from dutch, so not exactly): check any C Code that's part of this program, could not compile C code incorporated in the program. If the C Code is known to be correct, contact technical support.

would appreciate any advice you can give me

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Post by Steve »

My guess would be something to do with the configuration word settings (e.g. the oscillator type) or the actual clock frequency. Make sure these are both set appropriately for your hardware.

With the program that fails to compile, please send it to our support email and we'll have a look at it to see what's wrong. A number of users have been having problems with v2 programs not working in v3 - most of these are due to embedded assembly (this is the major difference between the old and new C compilers used in the different versions of Flowcode).

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