USB driver

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USB driver

Post by Henk »

Hello all
I 'm looking for a USB driver for the PIC18F4550 .
I want to make a conection between the PIC 18F4550 and a PC.
That means a usb program in the pic?, but also in the PC I think.
Where can i find it?

Greetings Henk Middendorp.

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Re: USB driver

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Hank,
To use the built in USB, you need to add the serial USB component in flowcode.
Then right click the serial USB component on the panel and select Ext Properties.
Then you will be able to select Generate Driver File.
You must make sure that your microcontroller is running at the correct speed by dong a 1 second test.

I can't help you with configuration settings as you have not stated osc type or speed.


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