air contol unit

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air contol unit

Post by nuwan5213 »

hi all,
this time i made air control unit to over-lock chain stitching machine used by garment industry.
normally o/l machine have cutter unit and air need to suck the exceeded chain to cut and trim
all machine got solenoid to operate directly when you are sawing.but we do not need that sol; to operate all time
.the start of the sawing and end of the sawing operation is enough to this type of machine
i made simple cct and its controll
off delay of adc 0
then off time adc1
on time to end sawing adc2
cct is working good and i upload f/c for your attention .i am not expert and if you give alternative f/c
im glad to inspect.
my project save lot of air and it means lot of energy.

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Re: air contol unit

Post by medelec35 »

Hi nuwan,

What I would do is use timer interrupt to constantly count time in minutes or seconds. Count for that can be ticking away in the background.

Then you can use pots to set time delays in minutes or with a formula (I can help you with that, if you decide to create a Flowchart with this method) in seconds, depending of time period required.

A status variable can be used. E.g off = 0
Off delay running =1
Running = 2
other delay = 3

Here is how it could work:
sw is off so nothing is compared, stataus var=0
sw is on so status var is set to 1, count for timer is set to 0
In Main:
count var for timer is compared with off delay varset by adc0. If true then off delay has timed out so take necessary action. set status var to 2. Reset count var.

Count var for off time is compared with adc1. If true then off time has timed out so take necessary action. set status flag to 3. Reset count var.

Count var for on time to end sawing is compared with adc2. If true then n time to end sawing has timed out so take necessary action. set status flag to 0. etc

I believe if flowchart is completed by this method, would make it a lot more compact efficient and neater,

You will only require only one input to test switch rather than several.

I may not be able to assist until this evening. I will see what I can put together for you (even if you decide to create another Flowchart).
Then you will have a choice of two Flowcharts :)

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Re: air contol unit

Post by »


Normaly you must have a photo-switch bevor the needle and a machine run signal;because the air is only switch off, if material under the needle and the machine
in running mode.
There are stich-counting or time-delay to change the on-off time after ph-on and ph-off ;you mean these?
The most new elektronik motors like EFKA and QUICK have these inbuild

Regards Wolfgang

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Re: air contol unit

Post by nuwan5213 »

hi Wolfgang,

we do not have much efka and quick rotan.
we commonly use ho-hsing.
i did not get photo inturrupter because of high price and we cannot fix it to overlock mc.

hi martin,
i would like to see alternative prog from are best in flowcode.
i would like to change the program.
time delays are i used related to the product we do now days.its victoria secret.
time adjusting period should be few hundred of milly second to few seconds ok.

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Re: air contol unit

Post by medelec35 »

What about from 100ms to 100 seconds?

Just need a bit of specification,

Nothing happens until i/p of switch goes high.
Then B7 will go high, until timed delay (100ms to 100 seconds, depending on ADC0 voltage) will time out, then B7goes low until timed delay (100ms to 100 seconds, depending on ADC1 voltage)will time out, then B7 will go high, until timed delay (100ms to 100 seconds, depending on ADC2 voltage) will time out and B7 will go low.

I will also need to know what happens is switch is left on, or does it go on then instantly back off.
So how does switch affect the set up
If you can state step by step if different from above then it will be easier to produce a flowchart for you.


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Re: air contol unit

Post by medelec35 »

Hi nuwan,
Here is my 1st attempt.

It will not work in V4 Flowcode simulator, only V5 since timer2 does not simulate in FC4

You can kind of get it working in V4 simulator by placing a call Timer2_Tick macro in main.
Don't forget to remove macro before compiling to hex or chip otherwise timing will be wrong.

Since not a clue how you would want hardware to run in conjunction with switch.

Attached flowchart works as follows:
1) Switch goes high
2)B7 goes high for duration of 100ms to 100 seconds (depending on ADC0)
3) B7 goes low for duration of 100ms to 100 seconds (depending on ADC1)
4) B7 goes high for duration of 100ms to 100 seconds (depending on ADC2)
5) B7 goes low, and wait for switch to go low then back high to repeat cycle all over again.

Can you Let me know if that is correct please.

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Re: air contol unit

Post by nuwan5213 »

hi martin,
give me little time to working with this.

thanks ,
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