simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

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gavin mack
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simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

Having a problem with what should be a simple bit of code, and a pic 16f616
Idea is to read voltages on analogue channels adc1 and adc2 and light led’s if their voltage is within adc0 voltage ±5%.
Flowchart works fine in flowcode but doesn’t when I program it to the 16F616. I think the oscillator settings are ok. with other pics I normally have to set the osccon to internal frequency required, but compiler rejects this for the 16f616.
When programming the pic, mloader seems to program OK but says it cannot verify due to possibly code protect option, but code protect is not enable in project options.
Attached is the flowchart, circuit diagram and pic data sheet
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Gavin,
An issue spotted with your flowchart.
You are using

Code: Select all

adc2 >= adc0_l AND adc2 <= adc0_u
What you are doing is logical variable testing but the AND is used for bitwise testing only.
Can you replace AND with &&

Code: Select all

adc2 >= adc0_l && adc2 <= adc0_u
Then if still does not work for you, we can dive deeper into whats going on.
gavin mack wrote:with other pics I normally have to set the osccon to internal frequency required, but compiler rejects this for the 16f616.
It is correct that OSCCON is rejected as that is not used in this device.

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »


Made that change, no difference, flowcode simulation runs ok, but same result when pic programmed
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

Ah, spotted two issues with configuration settings.
1) You have watchdog enabled.
Since you don't have Auto clear watchdog selected, you need to disable watchdog within configuration settings.

2) You have Master clear enabled as external, but you have not got a pull-up on pin 4.
You will need to change master clear enabled to internal.

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

Tried that, no difference, even tried a new chip
I have also changed the code to a simple led flasher, which also doesn't work.
I think it must be the chip will not program correctly as i have connected an eblock led board to my eb006 port C, and the flashing led program doesn't work on this either.
The fact that it cannot verify the programming must be significant
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

gavin mack wrote:he fact that it cannot verify the programming must be significant
Yes, I have just remembered from the past, it is indeed.
It does mean that the chip has failed to program.
What version EB006 have you got?
I have got some 16F616 and will check this evening if it programs OK with EB006.
Is the Jumper for programming source connected to USB and not ICSP, as ICSP is for an external programmer only.
Make sure you only have one chip in the programmer and try unplugging from all the ports prior to programming.

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

it's an eb006 V9 which lists that chip in the documentation, I have only one chip in, jumpers are set ok
I have found a PIC16F1786 used on another job, and that works fine with eb006 board and led flash code.
so it's definitely programming the chip that's the problem
I have another 14 pin pic PIC16F1825-I/P, arriving today which I will try later

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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

PIC16F1825-I/P works fine with led flasher. It also works fine with original flowcode adc
thanks for the help
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

Tried 16F616 in my EB006 V9 and programmed chip with no issues.

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

Interesting, presumably you used the bottom left 20 pin socket.
mloader I'm using is

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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

gavin mack wrote:presumably you used the bottom left 20 pin socket.
Yes. Pin1 top left.
Mloader that was shipped with FC8. Just compiled to chip.
If I manually run mLoader, version running is V4.0.0.1 as well.
Compiling to chip I have

Code: Select all

You have compiled in FREE mode.
Using Omniscient Code Generation that is available in PRO mode,
you could have produced up to 60% smaller and 400% faster code.
See for more information.

Compilation successful!

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode v8\tools\DoNothing\DoNothing.exe  

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode v8\tools\mLoader\mLoader.exe  -chip 16F616 "D:\FC Testing\16F616 programming test1.hex"
Loading file...
File loaded from...
=> 16F616 programming test1.hex
File sending...
. . . . . .

File sent!

If I load mLoader, then click Autodetect:
16F616 mLoader.png
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »


my mloader gives the same display. I have attached the compiler results file

eb006 v9 jumpers are set to 5V, PSU, USB, A6&7
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Gavin,
The results posted does not include sending code to the chip, only compiling to hex.
Are you using compiler default values shown here:
Compiler Default Options.png
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Just as a sanity check, can you place flowchart in a new folder on your root drive, and compile to chip?

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »


I have same programmer settings
I tried compile to chip and it worked once, anytime after that it comes up with verify error. running Mloader and autodetecting chip works and I have erased chip which I assume will reset any code protection. If I then compile to chip again I get the verify error.
I also get same result when using a new folder on the root drive

gavin mack
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Re: simple adc flowchart programming pic16f616

Post by gavin mack »

My compiler file is attached, it appears to be slightly different
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