Missing pic8 compiler file

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Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

I have just installed Flowcode 8 and wrote a simple program to try out the new features and get familiar with it. However when I tried to compile to chip I got the message

"ERROR: Can not launch process: The system cannot find the file specified".
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\pic\batch\pic_xc8_comp.bat reported error code -1

I have looked in the above batch folder and have attached a screenshot of the file present for your perusal
Could you please assist
2018-07-17_15h04_14.jpg (39.53 KiB) Viewed 14983 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

Hi kramtlas,
All the compiler tool chains are separate downloads to reduce overall Flowcode download size.
Have you tried looking in the Flowcode download section?
Pic8 Tool chain.png
(37.49 KiB) Downloaded 5088 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Yes, I downloaded the 8 bit Pic toolchain from the Flowcode download section

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

After installing compile it will place a pic folder in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\ <64 bit windows
C:\Program Files\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\ <32 bit windows

If the pic directory is missing then you could try installing:
Pic Compiler.png
(2.35 KiB) Downloaded 5074 times
Make sure you have downloaded correct compiler.
Out of curiosity what folder have you got within ...\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\?
You could of downloaded and installed 16bit PIC by mistake?

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

Hi kramtlas,
Just catching up.
Did you get your issue resolved?

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Hi medelec,
No I didn't unfortunately, as you can see from my first post attachment the file seems to be present in the correct location. Although when I try to compile to chip en error message states " PIC compiler toolchain not installed " I have attached a screen shot of the message displayed.
2018-07-25_16h54_41.jpg (12.36 KiB) Viewed 14912 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by DanielM »

Hi kramtlas,

Sorry for the problems you're experiencing. The error in your first post seems to indicate that Flowcode knows the location of the compiler, but is having an issue launching it. The error in your latest post suggests that Flowcode now does not even know the location of the compiler. So this situation is somewhat unusual in that a completely different error has manifested itself.

Could you check the following for me?

1) Open your start menu and type "regedit" (without the quotes) and press Enter. This will open the windows registry editor.
2) In the registry editor, paste in the address bar at the top "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MatrixTSL\Flowcode\Common" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
3) Check that there is an entry titled "Compiler_pic" in the "Name" column, with "REG_SZ" in the "Type" column, and then "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\pic" in the "Data" column.

If this entry is missing, then something has altered your registry since your first post. This could perhaps be antivirus software, or a system restore utility. (It could also explain why Flowcode was having issues launching the compiler initially).

Best regards,


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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Hi DanielM,
I checked the compiler location in the windows registry editor and it was different i.e. it did not contain the "common" folder, so I copied the "pic" folder into the "compilers" folder as per the entry in the registry editor. This still do not work and the error message stated that the system could not find the file specified.
Again I have attached some screen shots
2018-07-26_13h46_48.jpg (26.84 KiB) Viewed 14847 times
2018-07-26_13h47_13.jpg (32.69 KiB) Viewed 14847 times
2018-07-26_13h51_04.jpg (53 KiB) Viewed 14847 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by DanielM »

Hi kramtlas,

My sincerest apologies for the delay with this response.

The issue has me at a loss, due to the fact that the errors do not seem consistent. (The first suggested that Flowcode could access the correct registry entry, but the second suggested the opposite!) The fact that it is clear that the file is in the correct location but cannot be seen by Flowcode, and moreover that the registry entries were not consistent with the true path of the compiler, suggests some form of interference by an external source (such as aggressive antivirus or system maintenance software..?)

Did you have any failed attempts at installation at any point? Are you using registry management software?

My suggestion is the following:

1) Reboot your PC into safe mode (if you are using Win 10, then the instructions are here https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/hel ... -safe-mode ), and stay in safe mode for steps 2 and 3 below.
2) Check and make sure that the registry entry from the last post definitely matches up with the location of the compiler on your hard disk.
3) Attempt to compile using version 8

If this does not work, uninstall V8 and the PIC toolchain. Then reinstall V8 and the PIC toolchain, but do not launch V8. Restart your PC into safe mode and follow the above steps again.


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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by petesmart »

Hi Daniel,

I had the same issue on the weekend...

I started out with V8 and pic16 toolchain, running since fc8 release with no problem...

On the weekend I purchased pic8 toolchain and added licence...got the same result as previous post error1 file not found etc...

Tried all of the suggested fixes with no luck....had to unload fc8 and reload fc8 and both toolchains. Problem sorted itself out after reload.

Problem started after pic8 toolchain was loaded sometime after the initial fc8 install, some 2 months.


sorry about that Chief!

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Hi Pete,
Thanks for the post, I have tried what you suggested might be the problem but unfortunately this fix has not worked on my computer. I will just have to keep plugging away until I find a solution.
Best Regards

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by DanielM »

Hi Kramtlas,

I'm still trying to replicate this issue to prevent this being a problem in future. Are you still experiencing this issue?

Would you be able to answer the following for me to help me diagnose?

What were the results of the sequence of steps in my previous post (prior to reinstallation)? Did you receive the error from your first post ("ERROR: Can not launch process"), or the one from your later post ("toolchain not installed")? After reinstalling and following the steps, was the error the same?

In both iterations (doing the steps prior to reinstallation, and then doing the steps again following reinstallation), were the registry entries consistent with the state of the filesystem (in step 2)?



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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Hi Daniel,
I managed to sort the problem out. The default settings for the compiler seemed to be the issue, I looked through the help menu for compiler settings which were different to what the Flowcode 8 settings were preset to. I altered them to the settings in the help file with the omission of the end part which is highlighted in red and the compiler now works. I have attached files to show the changes made and the last file shows the compiler working although there are a few issues which I have made notes on which I would be grateful for some assistance with.
I will send a second post as I can't seem to add more than three attachments.
2018-09-03_15h47_04.jpg (124.57 KiB) Viewed 14602 times
2018-09-03_15h25_53.jpg (44.74 KiB) Viewed 14602 times
2018-09-03_14h22_34.jpg (42.29 KiB) Viewed 14602 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

Additional files
2018-09-25_14h05_49.jpg (63.09 KiB) Viewed 14600 times
2018-09-03_16h13_49.jpg (76 KiB) Viewed 14600 times
2018-09-03_15h54_02.jpg (42.73 KiB) Viewed 14600 times

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

medelec35 wrote:Hi kramtlas,
Just catching up.
Did you get your issue resolved?
Yes thanks, I appreciate your assistance. I finally got the compiler working and have sent a post but basically it was the default settings that were preset with the Flowcode 8. There a few faults reported which I have asked for some assistance with but at least it works now.
Question. Do you know how to set the ref (-) and ref (+) for either the ECIO 40 or 16F88 Pics? I was looking for some example codes but am struggling to find any that explain how to do it.

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

Glad you have got the compiler working now.

Currently, the only choice within ADC component properties is for Ref to be between +Supply and GND, FVR and GND (If supported by device) or VRef pin and GND.
Any other options will require a small bit of C code change within relevant CAL_ADC.c file.

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by kramtlas »

I was looking to use the Vref pin (+) and Vref pin (-) to allow me to use the full adc resolution between say Vref(+) @ 3V and the Vref (-) @ 2V. I was hoping to get some example code for me to learn from as I have not used this feature before.


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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

Vref- is not an option, unless C code is used as stated in a previous post.
You can only use Vref+
To select VRef plus, add an ADC component to 2D or 3D panel from the Inputs component list e.g Potentiometer(Colour).
Select the Pot that's on the panel, then right click and select properties.
Change the Vref voltage to 300 if Vref+ is 3V.
Also, change Vref option from VDD to VRef+ Pin

So now when the ADC input is at 3V the value should be 1023 for 10 bit int or 255 for 8bit byte.

As for the code to use VRef-, that means changing ADC Cal file.

When I get a chance I will post on how to modify ADC cal, but it's at your risk.
At least with give you a basic idea.

If you create a flowchart and make the above changes and does not do what you want it to do on hardware,
then we can look at your flowchart for you.

Just select Attachments tab, Add files then upload Flowchart in this thread.

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

To enable both Vref+ & Vref-
Taking 16F88 as an example.
Open 16F88.fcdx which is found within C:\ProgramData\MatrixTSL\FlowcodeV8\FCD\PIC
Make a note of

Code: Select all

adc type='2'

Code: Select all

that's loacated within C:\ProgramData\MatrixTSL\FlowcodeV8\CAL\PIC

Search for

Code: Select all

which is the 2 that's within .fcdx file

You will see:

Code: Select all

#ifdef MX_ADC_TYPE_2
	void FC_CAL_ADC_Enable (MX_UINT8 Channel, MX_UINT8 Conv_Speed, MX_UINT8 Vref, MX_UINT8 T_Charge)
		if (Vref == 1)											//assign VREF functionality
			st_bit(ADCON1, VCFG1);
Look at the 16F88 Data sheet you will see:
VRef options.png
(67.59 KiB) Downloaded 4689 times

So for VRef+ & Vref- both

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

have to be set.

You will need to edit

Code: Select all


change to:

Code: Select all

if (Vref == 1)
			{											//assign VREF functionality
			st_bit(ADCON1, VCFG0);
			st_bit(ADCON1, VCFG1);	

You must include both braces {}!

Code: Select all


If Flowchart is open use the reload option.

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by DanielM »

Hi kramtlas,

I'm glad that you have your compiler issue resolved.

Just to confirm, the image of your compiler settings with "$(appdir)" is now what you have it set to, and your compilers are now located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode v8\compilers"? Did you move these yourself? Because it seems at odds with the location given in your previous posts. Did you move the location on your hard disk in order to be consistent with the settings you received from the wiki? I am trying to establish whether there is a problem with paths/registry, or if the issue was in fact just the trailing arguments to the batch file.

Regarding the messages you receive in the compiler window: This is due to Flowcode's usage of the standard version of Microchip's XC8 compiler. It is possible to purchase the PRO license for XC8 yourself, and use it with Flowcode, but as far as I know you can only purchase the license with a monthly subscription. For most people, the benefits of the PRO compiler are not worth the cost. You can find more info here https://www.microchip.com/developmentto ... 006021-sub


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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by medelec35 »

DanielM wrote:but as far as I know you can only purchase the license with a monthly subscription
Hi Daniel,
You can also have the professional version (SW006021-2H) for a yearly fee of about £150+ vat if you want to keep it up-to-date as that is for updates and support only, not for a licence.
But to do that you must purchase the professional licence first for a one-off charge of £762.47 + Vat

After paying £762.47 + Vat it stays professional for life, you just won't be able to use on compiler updates that come out a year or later.
The compiler version will have to stay at the last update before the year ran out.

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Re: Missing pic8 compiler file

Post by CamargoF »

I got the same PIC missing compiler after I upgrade the Flowcode few days ago.
It looks like there is an error on Matrix batch installation file. Please, check it and release a fix.

It is amazing that after almost 1 year the first issue it still happening.

I download and used the REPAIR option of the PIC toolchain and it does not help to fix the problem.

By the way, only the ARM toolchain does not have the common folder.

I was able to fix the problem copying the C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\Common\Compilers\pic to C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode\Compilers\pic.

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