ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

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ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

Timers are essential hardware parts of STM32 .

Feature request: A couple of simple examples:

One example that uses ex. TIM1 to count external pulses on a pin

One example that uses ex. TIM2 to count internal clock of 10 us

How to read TIM1 and TIM2 in a programmed loop and how to reset them.

These two chips and development boards seem to have the best support in the present release of Flowcode 7
(at least what I have found ). Just a couple of suggestions

1. NUCLEO-F746ZG is a powerful and cheap board with all 144 pins accessable.
The chip STM32F746ZG has datasheet here

2. STM32F407VGT6 Runs on this board ... -pro-stm32

When searching I found relevant info here ... 236305.pdf

Looking forward to comments and examples that makes it real easy to use Counters / Timers in STM32 !

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by LeighM »

I've attached a quick (and not so tidy) example of setting an internal interrupt timer and an external input counter.
It uses the STM32F469 Discovery kit.
The timer uses the Flowcode interrupt icon, although the period calculations need some work from us to get these correct, so you will need to trial and error the values yourself for now.
The counter is done with some C code, using TIMER3 and input TIM3 CH2 on pin PA7.
Hope it helps and gets you started.
F469 Disco counter display.fcfx
(18.44 KiB) Downloaded 495 times

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

Thanks - this will be interesting !

Unfortunately I don't have F469
But I have F769 at home

Maybe they are more or less compatible
What do you think ?

Best regards

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by LeighM »

Have a look at the examples, they show what needs to be done, and see if you can make adjustments for your target.
The timer interrupt icon and properties are similar across all STM32 targets.
The timer counter (C) code should be the same also, you might just need to change timer number and input port pin,
depending upon which pins you have available.
See how it goes and come back if you need any more help.

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

The F769 didn't work so I have ordered F469
Getting functionality directly would be a great starting point,

Quite an other question:

Is there an example where you have
graphics , UART (and internet ?? )
running simultaneously
on any of the discovery kits ?
This would also be very valuable as a starting point

STM32F429 Discovery kit
STM32F746G Discovery kit

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by Benj »

I don't think we support the ethernet ports yet but this would be a great feature for the future.

As for the GLCD and UART these should work fine as long as there is a suitable GLCD component in the list.

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

Thanks, this works

But I am getting short of digital outputs with F469.
16 dig oututs are needed.

1. Is this below a good approach or is there a far better way of doing it ?
2. Is it possible to write a macro Write_Dig_Out ( 15, 1 ) -> example output 15 is set log 1

My idea would be to add 2 x 74HCT259E
A 3 bit address
and a 1 bit Data bit goes to both 74HCT259E

Two Enable, one to each 74HCT259E
When Enable goes low data is transferred to a specified output,
all other outputs stay unchanged.

Then I need 6 pins to address 16 digital outputs
This would solve the pin shortage
The 74HCT259E can also take the 3.3V to 5V to drive darlington valve drivers

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by Benj »


This certainly sounds like it should work and be fairly simple though you would have to keep track of the current outputs in your macros using variables. I use chips like this to drive the numerous output channels on my LED cube.

Another way which is probably a bit more expensive but also a bit easier to work with and supports input and output is to use an dedicated I/O expander IC such as the MCP23017.

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

Back to the original question

One example that uses ex. TIMx to count external pulses on a pin
One example that uses ex. TIMy to count internal clock of 10 us
How to read TIMx and TIMy in a programmed loop and how to reset them ?

I understand that the F469 Disco counter display.fcfx does exactly this, and menu and some counts can be seen .

It seems that TIM2 and TIM3 are used

Which of them is used to count external pulses, what pin is used as count up input, and how is the counter addressed and read in the code ?
Which of them is used to count internal clock, which is the input frequency, and how is the counter addressed and read in the code ?
What pin is used as external reset for both counters ?

It seems that the ZeroCounter Macro resets TIM3 with TIM3->CNT = 0;

It is my guess that the external pulses go to TIM3 and that they are read with this line of code

It seems that the time counter only uses tick=tick+1;
and is read by .temp = tick / 1000
Will this be an accurate timebase ?

The sample is much about the GLCD, but it seems that PrintCounter() and PrintTick() might refer to reading the two counters.

It would be great to have additional info that allows me to apply an external count up signal and read it on display, and
to read the elapsed time from the reset pulse.
Is the reset supported by an interrupt in this example or is it not needed?
Thanks & Best regards

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by LeighM »

Which of them is used to count external pulses, what pin is used as count up input, and how is the counter addressed and read in the code ?
The C code in Main() sets up TIM3 to count pulses on port A pin 7.
PrintCounter() uses C code to get the counter value into a Flowcode variable called temp ...

Code: Select all

The value of temp can then be printed.
As you noticed, the actual counter can be reset with the C code ...

Code: Select all

 TIM3->CNT = 0;
Which of them is used to count internal clock, which is the input frequency, and how is the counter addressed and read in the code ?
The Interrupt icon in Main() sets up TMR2 to interrupt regularly and call TimerInt().
TimerInt() increments a Flowcode global variable named tick.
You will need to set and check the properties yourself to get the correct interrupt frequency that you desire.
You could use the tick variable to count elapsed time, reset it to zero and also display its value whenever you want in your program.

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by PicoPuls »

Regarding INT Single Pin Interrupt with ARM


As you indicated the TIM3 can be reset with
TIM3->CNT = 0;

The reset pulse is external and in my case very short.

I have tried to use pin A6 to start an interrupt that calls a macro
doing just this
TIM3->CNT = 0;

I have been looking at the
INT Single Pin Interrupt example for PIC ... Interrupts
but this example doesn't work with ARM

Could you give me a hint ?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: ST ARM Hardware Timers - Examples

Post by LeighM »

Use an Interrupt icon to setup an External Interrupt
Here is an example of setting up EXTI0 which interrupts on Bit 0
And use the properties to select Port A
ExtInt.jpg (51.9 KiB) Viewed 15157 times

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