EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

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EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

i have the EB006 multi programmer board and i am using the assembly for pic micro v6 software
it comes with the virtual pic, and lots of tutorials, and examples for the pic16f1937, tut1 to 48 etc

its been a nightmare getting this to work.

my first issue was with the PPP v3 software it installs but says cannot detect usb cable.

then i tested the board with flowcode v7 and it was ok, so i know the board was working, so must be PPP sotware.
PPP v 3 still does not work,

so then I used the Mloader sotware, which detects the board perfect
if i have Mloader why do i need PPPv3 they seem to do the same job..??


i erased the chip, tested it was erased and it was
then i sent the test program back on to the chip to confirm that the software can write to the chip, this worked fine no problems

so then i went back in to my folder where all the tutorials are and uploaded the simple flashing led program to the board, TUT3 asm.

i have uploaded the tut3 asm and hex files to show
it says its for this version of chip 16f1937 which comes with the development board

when i sent the program, and then reset the board, removed USB cable, nothing happened.
turned off power, and back on, nothing.

I tried to load the program again, noting.
then i tried others tut 3 tut 6

i even used MPASM to compile tut 26 and send that .

it seems no program i send it works.
apart from the EB006v9 Test Routine

so why does the test routine hex file work fine and no other programe i use work

whats going on, this is meant to be a tutorial and i cant even get it on the board.

please help
tut 3 hex file
(196 Bytes) Downloaded 438 times
tut 3 asm file
(1.49 KiB) Downloaded 424 times

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi chloe4479,
Welcome to the forum's
chloe4479 wrote:my first issue was with the PPP v3 software it installs but says cannot detect usb cable.
PPP for programming is only compatible with HP488 develpment board and EB006 up to V8
If you have EB006V9 then if you use PPP, you will get USB cable Not detected message.
You must either use mLoader or an external programmer like PICkit3.

The other issue you have is tutorials not working.
The example you posted uses external RC for oscillator selection.
For that I believe the assembly course was designed HP488 development board which is no longer manufactured :(
It is assumed that for RC configuration you have got a resistor and capacitor connected to OSC1.
As you are using EB006 V9 that is not the case.

The microcontroller oscillator is not running at the correct speed, in fact its not running at at!

You either have jumper on OSC (the crystal OSC) or A6&7 which makes the OSC1 and OSC2 pins available for inputs and outputs.
One way around would be to configure oscillator for internal at the slowest speed.
Then have a delay between port going high then low.
Or skip to tutorials that are just for RC clock settings?
chloe4479 wrote: it seems no program i send it works.
apart from the EB006v9 Test Routine

so why does the test routine hex file work fine and no other programe i use work
The reason why the test routine works is because the configuration settings set the programming board EB006 up to use with 19.6608MHz crystal oscillator.
As it is on board then the microcontroller oscillator is running at the correct speed

Unfortunately I will have to pop out now, but I can assist you further when back home.


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Martin

Thanks for your help and explanation
i was thinking it may be that, so i did try another tut program, it was TUT 26, which uses the XTAL mode

the 7 segment display counting.
I have enclosed the ASM file,
they dont come with HEX files, so i had to compile it, which makes me wonder if the compiler is causing this issue.

I am using the MPASMWIN software version 5.51
when i look at the d10 program light it seems to only come on for a second and go off while the software still shows uploading the light seems off
its like its not getting the full program, i could be wrong here

but i have tried ALL the tutorials.
had to assemble them all, and none work.

I got this kit as a beginner, i was told that the tutorials were easy which they seem to be really good, but no point if they cant work with this board.
i was told this software assembly for pic micro v6 will work 100 percent with this board.
clearly this is not the case as you mentioned that the RC tutorials wont work with the crystal :(

i have attached both the ASM file and the HEX file which i compiled.
could you take a look and see if this is correct or it works your end

so i at least know its not the board.

I'm frustrated now. as i'm back to square 1, took me ages to find the best way to learn with tutorials and a good board too.

back to the question of the RC how would i make the tut4 program work with the crystal, is it something in the code i have to do to change it
as the Mpasm compiler does not give me the option to select the type of RC or crystal, hope that makes sense

also attached an image of what the tut 26 looks like on my board,

look forward to your reply

board tut.jpg
board tut.jpg (98.6 KiB) Viewed 22941 times
(356 Bytes) Downloaded 458 times
(2.31 KiB) Downloaded 409 times

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

I'm trying to look at this a bit more deeper.
Not an asm or MPASMWIN expert but I'm seeing some confusing things :?

First of all with assembly language. i'm seeing:

Code: Select all

PORTA	EQU	H'05'		;
TRISA	EQU	H'85'		;
PORTB	EQU	H'06'		;
TRISB	EQU	H'86'		;
Yet, if you look at the datasheet of 16F1937, on page 27shows:
port & Tris.png
(16.17 KiB) Downloaded 14251 times
Clearly it shows PORTA as 0C and not 05.
If they are changed to correct values then MPASMWIN is still assigning them wrong!
So hardware will not work.
I'm trying to find a solution and if I do will post it.
But it may need to be a matrix member of staff that can assist further?


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi chloe,
Got the assembly to count perfectly on EB083 Dev Board:
ASM Count.jpg
ASM Count.jpg (52.24 KiB) Viewed 22921 times
I modified Assembly file:

Code: Select all

; TUTA26.ASM 27SEP07
; Use of Timer with BCD counting on 7-segment (single)

; Configuration data 
; PICmicro MCU type: 16F1937 
; Oscillator: XTAL mode, FAST, VR1 your choice of setting
; LCD display: off 
; 7-segment display: on 
; Version 3 board settings: J14 links: Digital 
; The following lines embed configuration data into the PICmicro
    list		p=16f1937      ; list directive to define processor
	__CONFIG H'8007', H'FE2'       ; HS mode
	__CONFIG H'8008', H'1EFF' 

PCL	EQU	H'02'		;

W	EQU	0		;
F	EQU	1		;
C	EQU	0		;
DC	EQU	1		;
CLKCNT	EQU	H'20'		;clock division counter
CLKSEC	EQU	H'21'		;seconds counter
	ORG	0		; Reset vector
	GOTO	5		; Goto start of program
	ORG	4		; Interrupt vector
	GOTO	5		; Goto start of program
	ORG	5		; Start of program memory

	PAGE1			; PAGE1
	MOVLW	0x07
	MOVWF	H'9E'		; Setup the ADCON1 register
    BCF	    TRISA,0
	CLRF	TRISB		;Port B0-B7 as output
	MOVLW	B'00000110'	;set timer ratio 1:128 (TMRO rate)
	PAGE0			; PAGE0		
	BSF	PORTA,0		;turn on TR1 (see text)
	MOVLW	D'150'		

	RETLW	B'11000000'	;0	common anode codes
	RETLW	B'11111001'	;1
	RETLW	B'10100100'	;2
	RETLW	B'10110000'	;3
	RETLW	B'10011001'	;4
	RETLW	B'10010010'	;5
	RETLW	B'10000011'	;6
	RETLW	B'11111000'	;7
	RETLW	B'10000000'	;8
	RETLW	B'10011000'	;9

INTRPT	BTFSS	INTCON,2		;has a timer time-out been detected?
	BCF	INTCON,2		;yes
	DECFSZ	CLKCNT,F		;dec clock division counter, is it zero?
	MOVLW	D'150'		;yes, reset CLKCNT
	INCF	CLKSEC,F		;inc count
	MOVF	CLKSEC,W		;check units >9
	ADDLW	H'06'		
	BTFSC	STATUS,DC		;is there a digit carry?
	CLRF	CLKSEC		;yes, clear counter
OUTPUT	MOVF	CLKSEC,W		;get count val
	ANDLW	H'0F'		;AND for LS nibble
	CALL	TABLE		;get 7-seg code for val
	MOVWF	PORTB		;output to display
	GOTO	INTRPT		;repeat for next

	END			;final line
Compiled to Hex using MPLAB
Loaded hex file with mLoader.
Clicked on autodetect and made sure 16F1937 was detected
Click Send
Then finally click on Execute.
One of the issues is selecting Banks.
Its no longer

Code: Select all

It is

Code: Select all

That is shown on page 346 of the 16F1937 Datasheet

Configuration settings were not correct.
Instead of

Code: Select all

__CONFIG H'8007', H'7E2'       ; HS mode
	__CONFIG H'8008', H'008' 
It should be

Code: Select all

	__CONFIG H'8007', H'FE2'       ; HS mode
    __CONFIG H'8008', H'1EFF' 
PORTA, PORTB, TRISA, TRISB, OPSHUN & ADCON1 are the wrong addresses.

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Martin

Amazing it worked, I also took your ASM fie just to compile it my end and it worked, so now i know its not my software or hardware but the tutorials that are written incorrectly

thats bad especially on Matrix behalf, i will have to inform them

going back to the original problem the RC vs the Crystal

i read in the manual that they recommend a crystal of 3.2768MHZ for older tutorials

will this fix the issue of using the RC on this board.
if no

What will i need to do to the code so i can use the crystal

again thanks for your help and time,,

i was going to give up, u have helped a great deal


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by EtsDriver »

I think that those tutorials were made for older eb-006 that shipped with PIC16F877A (or was it PIC16F88) device?
The newest eb-006-9 comes with 16LF1937.
Ill just keep the good work up!

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Yes but the tutorials were written for the 1937 there is a folder for them,
It contains 4 folders for 4 chips the coder is written differently for the 4 chips, I'm guessing they got the chips mixed up.

I'm back on track, just need to know how I can use rc mode or at least make the programe slower so I can do older tutorials, as this board does not contain tain the rc mode, strange I thought they would keep that in , why take it out.

I'm trying g to write a simple 8 on 8 off led program to the board, tut3 I think,
But the 8 lights remain on, I'm guessing that's because of the speed,
and using assembly code it does not have the delay command,


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Chloe,
Your welcome, just glad it help you get back on track.

Had a little time spare this afternoon, so got E03 working for you.
So hopfully it will allow you to complete all the tutorials. :)

I have changed configuration settings to use internal osc and run it at 31KHz which is the lowest it will go.
There is no need to change osc jumper to port A6&7 as the crystal will just be ignored.

I have also created a delay for you and placed it between each setting port command.
The alternative is to use the timer interrupt for delays (like E26), but it does make the earlier tutorials a bit complex for a beginner.

It looks like a bug with my very limited knowledge because when port B7 is set, port B6 does not go off.
For that reason you will see I have added a

Code: Select all

just prior to

Code: Select all

chloe4479 wrote: I'm trying g to write a simple 8 on 8 off led program to the board, tut3 I think,
But the 8 lights remain on, I'm guessing that's because of the speed,
and using assembly code it does not have the delay command,

Yes that is indeed the reason.
Port B is changing so fast, due to persistence of vision they look like they all just reamin on.
chloe4479 wrote: going back to the original problem the RC vs the Crystal

i read in the manual that they recommend a crystal of 3.2768MHZ for older tutorials

will this fix the issue of using the RC on this board.
if no

What will i need to do to the code so i can use the crystal
It could but delays need to be much longer.
So to allow delays to be shorter is reason for choosing internal osc at its slowest running speed.

E03 V2.asm
(2.17 KiB) Downloaded 435 times
E03 V2.HEX
(408 Bytes) Downloaded 394 times

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Thanks Martin

I will try this asap.
If this works then my problem will be solved.
Can't wait.

Update soon

Chloe x

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Martin

Thanks for the help you have given.

Looked over the code and uploaded it my end and it does exactly what it should, except obviously i need the delays in all the sequences, or it wont work.
im guessing this is the case as the internal oscillator is quite high.

If i was to go back old school and use the 16f84a I know its quite old now.
would i need the delays do you think.

maybe i will try it and see what happens.
in the man time i will go over the data sheet of the onboad chip and read all the ports to get used to them, i do like this chip and has lots of ports for future projects.

I may come back to you for some help later if that is ok, best teacher i have had. :lol: :D :D :D :D :D

much appreciated

chloe x

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Again Martin

Ok this will sound weird, but just gone over your tut 3 program.
and its running, but its like a flashing light program, as soon as port b 0 is on when it gets to port b 1 then port b 0 is turning off.
by itself with no BCF command

its like the knight rider car but 1 way

on the tutorial, what is meant to happen is the port lights come on in order and STAY ON, port b 0 is on then port b 1 is on stays on, port b 2 is on stays on and so on
then does it all again

but for some reason the ports turn off when the next light comes on

how come this is happening as i don't see anywhere in this program for a BCF command, only a BSF command, so surely the port lights should stay on

Or am i having a very blonde moment , and yes i am blonde too lol


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi chloe,
chloe4479 wrote: Thanks for the help you have given.
chloe4479 wrote:I may come back to you for some help later if that is ok, best teacher i have had.
Thank you.
Of course you can, but I can't guarantee I can help.
Will Try my best.
chloe4479 wrote: If i was to go back old school and use the 16f84a I know its quite old now.
would i need the delays do you think.
Yes, because it not the chip, its the hardware that's causing the issue.
The earlier exercises were meant to be running with a very slow oscillator speed.
You can only achieve that speed by using an external resistor and capacitor connected to OSC1.
The hardware course was developed for e.g EB006V7 and below or HP488 development board had a switchable RC/Xtal circuit:
Switchable RC Xtal.png
(12.64 KiB) Downloaded 14181 times
So with the HP488 development board(see image) both SW2 and SW4 has to be in the NO position.
Going from VCC (+5V supply) to GND there is a resistor (3k3), preset resistor (4K7) and a Electrolytic capacitor (2u2F)the junction of preset resistor and capacitor is connected to OSC1.
The OSC speed will now be totally dependent on the RC time constant.
So you can imaging instead of being KHz and MHz, it can be just HZ or 0.1 Hz etc.
This link should help more.
Since you have EB006V9 the preset, Cap and switches have been removed due to reliability issues.
In theory you may be able to connected an external preset can cap to allow you to complete the tutorials the way they was designed.
You you are interested, I could make the hardware up and add it to my set-up which is the same as yours.
If it works I can then post step by step instructions.
chloe4479 wrote: Or am i having a very blonde moment
No not at all!
Its the opposite in fact.
You are correct in questioning that.
I will see if I can figure it out and let you know as it's stumped me as well.


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »


yes please if you can try this RC thing that would be great
and i will follow your steps

no matter what i try this end the programe the easiest of them all does not do what it should
it works great but not as it should

i added 2 sets of delays to slow it down even more which is good.

but still portb 0 led comes on
then portb 01 led comes on BUT portb 0 led goes out,
and from what i read and seen on the virtual pic this does not happen
even slowing it down even more, i have no idea why its doing the knightrider lights instead of lighting up each port 1 by 1, but keeping all ligjts on

looking at the program by the time i get to BSF PORTB,7 ; set Port B pin 7 to logic 1
i should have all 8 lights on before the ports get cleared

its funny because the next tutorial shows how to use the increment command which is what this program is actually doing

i'm learning more mistakes here which is good in a way LOL

thanks for your prompt answers by the way;
be honest your having fun being a teacher and doing this yourself which such a lovely program LOL

Chloe x

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Chloe,
This is the way I set up hardware so tutorials using RC OSC works without adding extra delays:
ASM hardware set up.png
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 2952 times
The prototype board is Matrix part Number EB016
Wire used for Prototype board and IC holder can be jumpers or single core.
Hope this helps.
chloe4479 wrote:i'm learning more mistakes here which is good in a way LOL
Yes it is, shows how well your picking it up.
chloe4479 wrote:thanks for your prompt answers by the way;
Your welcome.


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Martin

Thanks for that i will give it a try
i actually have breadboard not the matrix 1, i could try this idea to get it working

i have upload SEQUENCE program
its how the TUT3 should have worked

YES i got it to do what it should and it does work

HOWEVER i have had to stop using the BSF command for it to work

upload it your end and see on your board

So now my question would be why does it work like this , but using the simple BSF it acts comply different
is the BSF wrong somehow, are there other commands that this chip needs for a simple BSF to work


Chloe x
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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Chloe,
chloe4479 wrote:i actually have breadboard not the matrix 1, i could try this idea to get it working
Yes it should work, but you will need to connect GND load from GND of breadboard to GND of EB006 programmer.
chloe4479 wrote:So now my question would be why does it work like this , but using the simple BSF it acts comply different
is the BSF wrong somehow, are there other commands that this chip needs for a simple BSF to work
Martix staff are far more clued up on this than I am.

So they are the best people to answer this one.


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Nooooo oops

Don't leave me at this stage(sad puppy dog face)
I will have to go over eveything all again with them

Have a good evening g


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

You don't think I would give up that easily do you? Lol.
Although I said matrix staff are the best people im still looking in to it.
It will be interesting to see who comes up with the answer first.
I do have a plan up my sleeve.

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hi Martin

Someone replied that I need to write to the LATB file

Bsf LATB,01


Sounds that may be the issue.
But now I need to figure out if I need to set up the LAT register at the beginning, define it to an address.

What do you think

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Chloe,
Using LATB is the answer!
Try the attached ASM
What you have to to is look on the 16F1937 datasheet on page 29:
Using LATB.png
(88.52 KiB) Downloaded 14114 times
You can see that LATB is in bank2 at address 10Dh
So I defined BANK2:

Code: Select all

I also assigned LATB with correct address of 10Dh:

Code: Select all

LATB    EQU	H'10D'
Now when writing to LATB you have make sure your in BANK1 (I have changed the page wording to BANK as that is used within datasheets).


Just noticed Kersing has also posted about this so information will be duplicated.
E03 V2.asm
(2.19 KiB) Downloaded 369 times

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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Hey Martin

Its perfect

and now hopefully with the RC issue fixed too i can now hopefully learn the rest of the tutorials.

I have already learned so much about registers i did not even know existed, as the pic16f84 never had this issue, there was no LAT,BANKS etc

hopefully the other tutorials will run ok

but no doubt ill be knocking on your door soon if i get stuck

Thanks teacher LOL, i owe you a beer


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by Steve »

Sorry for the delay in responding - I was only made aware of this issue yesterday as this is a part of the forum I rarely look at. I've replied to Chloe with what I hope is a solution.

A big thanks to Martin and Kersing for stepping in and helping. So you're aware, I have actually been working on this course over the past few months and the new version has some significant changes...

For example, it now no longer supports the 16F1937 device - the i/o on this device is quite different to that on the earlier PICmicros and I've decided it complicates the course too much to need to explain this device and its differences with earlier (simpler) devices. The new course is written around the 16F88, but also works with the 16F84a and 16F877a chips.

Another significant problem was the latest EB006 (v9) board no longer supports the slow-mode RC clock that was so important in the initial stages of the course. This has been remedied by the creation of an add-on board to the EB006v9 that allows the clock to run slow.

This new Assembly for PICmicros course is due for release within the next few weeks.


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »

Thanks Steve sent u aneed email


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Re: EB006 test program is the only programe that loads

Post by chloe4479 »


Forgot to ask, you say you have now made an add on board to make the crystal slower
Is this available now , could not see it on your site.

Marain did a quick fix which I will need to try, but if u have developed a neat board I would likexpect to purchase it.

Please let me know. On that

Also I'm quite annoyed that your not doing the course for the pic16f1937.
I have only just purchased this board and it came with this chip
So are you saying the new boardsite will come with the 16f88 chip ?

As it would have been easier for me to being learning with that chip ready on the board


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