Pic to excel VBA

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Pic to excel VBA

Post by Desdewit »


I wrote a program to log data from a pic into excel. The program works fine but uses a lot of cpu power (50%) on small pc's when looping for new data.
what can I change to use less cpu power when waiting for data from the com port?

Code: Select all

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim intPortID As Integer ' Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 for COM1 - COM4
Dim lngStatus As Long
Dim strData As String
Dim out_of_time As Boolean
Dim time As Single
Dim buffer As String
Dim i As Integer 
For i = 1 To 20
buffer = ""
time = Timer() 
intPortID = 1

lngStatus = CommRead(intPortID, strData, 1) 
Loop Until strData = "#" 'Read port until start bit is found.

lngStatus = CommRead(intPortID, strData, 16)
buffer = buffer & strData
out_of_time = Timer() > time + 10
Loop Until strData = Chr(13) Or out_of_time     Loop until end character is found.
If out_of_time <> False Then
buffer = "Out Of Time"
End If

Sheet1.Cells(i, 1) = buffer
Next i ' take 20 readings from com port and plot data into excel sheet.

Sheet1.Cells(22, 1) = "Test Complete"   'Write test complete in A22

End Sub

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Re: Pic to excel VBA

Post by JonnyW »

Ive never used VB in an Excel spreadsheet but VB6 had a 'DoEvents' that might help:

Code: Select all

  lngStatus = CommRead(intPortID, strData, 1)
Loop Until strData = "#" 'Read port until start bit is found.
This might be of use?


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