Can't compile flowcode project in MPLab

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Can't compile flowcode project in MPLab

Post by serstel »

I output my program in an asm file using flowcode and when the process is compleded i get the following message:

Memory Usage Report
RAM available:2048 bytes, used:75 bytes (3.7%), free:1973 bytes (96.3%),
Heap size:1973 bytes, Heap max single alloc:127 bytes
ROM available:32768 bytes, used:1555 bytes (4.8%), free:31213 bytes (95.2%)

However when I input the asm file into MPLab it can't build the project and I get this message:

Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\MPLAB IDE\MCHIP_Tools\MPASMWIN.EXE" /q /p18F4550 "ADC_INT5.asm" /l"ADC_INT5.lst" /e"ADC_INT5.err" /o"ADC_INT5.o"
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1095 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1096 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1097 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1098 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1099 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1100 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Warning[220] F:\PENDULUM\ADC_INT5.ASM 1101 : Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\MPLAB IDE\MCHIP_Tools\MPLINK.EXE" "18f4550i.lkr" "F:\pendulum\ADC_INT5.o" /o"pendulum.cof"
MPLINK 3.80, Linker
Copyright (c) 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - section '.org_3' can not fit the absolute section. Section '.org_3' start=0x00000012, length=0x0000003e
Errors : 1

BUILD FAILED: Thu Feb 01 17:23:23 2007

Any idea about what the problem is?

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Post by Mikat »

Have you selected in mpasmwin the right type processor instead default?
I have got similar errors when the processor is wrong,or default...

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Post by serstel »

if by right type processor you mean the pic 18f4550 that I use, then yes I did configure everithing for this pic.

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Post by Mikat »

Yes i mean...
Just think that if in mpasmwin setup the processor is default,i might ause those kind of errors..
What i had used the mpasmwin thesetup has been:radix->default,warning level -> default,hex output -> default,generated files-> error file and list file.proessor->what used,NOT default,case sensetive ->on.table size->8,macro expansion -> default and save changes on exit -> ON
Those settings the mpasmwin has worked ok...

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Post by serstel »

I am not sure what you are saying but I have put in project=>build options=>project=>mpasm ->disable case sensitivity:ok and I still get the same errors.

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Post by Mikat »

What i ment is the mpasmwin options..
Start->Programs->Microhip->Mplabide->Mpasmwin,and there is those options.

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Post by Steve »

The "18f4550i.lkr" linker file is used for debugging with the ICD2, which reserves some ROM and RAM for the ICD functionality. If you don't need ICD2 functionality, try linking with the "18f4550.lkr" file instead.

If you want to use the ICD2, try adding the following line into the "definitions" section of the "supplementary code" window of Flowcode and recompile:

Code: Select all

#include <idc2.h>
I'm not sure if this will help. If it doesn't, please post the lines in your ASM (and LST?) files that are causing the errors and someone may be able to shed some light on your problem.

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Post by serstel »

Hello and sorry for all the trouble.
Unfortunatelly I failed again to build the project with MPLAB. Below are the lines from the asm file and the lkr file that are troublesome if anyone can help I would apreciate it. Thank you in advance.

ORG 0x00300000
DW 0x0C04
DW 0x1E19
DW 0x83FF
DW 0xFF80
DW 0xC00F
DW 0xE00F
DW 0x400F

Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
300000 0C04 01095 DW 0x0C04
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
300002 1E19 01096 DW 0x1E19
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
300004 83FF 01097 DW 0x83FF
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
300006 FF80 01098 DW 0xFF80
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.

300008 C00F 01099 DW 0xC00F
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
30000A E00F 01100 DW 0xE00F
Warning[220]: Address exceeds maximum range for this processor.
30000C 400F 01101 DW 0x400F
01102 END

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Post by serstel »

I have observed that it sudenly jumps to the problematic line. As it can be seen by the segment of code before 300000 it ends at line 612. By the way the problematic code os right at the end of the program. there is nothing after it. Also I can't seem to find the instruction DW in the instruction set of the pic 18Fxxxx family.

0608 label268438384
0608 C002FFE9 MOVFF Int1Context+D'1', FSR0L
060C C001FFEA MOVFF Int1Context, FSR0H
0610 0011 RETFIE 1
0612 ; } interrupt function end

ORG 0x00300000
300000 0C04 DW 0x0C04
300002 1E19 DW 0x1E19
300004 83FF DW 0x83FF
300006 FF80 DW 0xFF80
300008 C00F DW 0xC00F
30000A E00F DW 0xE00F
30000C 400F DW 0x400F

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Post by Steve »

These DW lines are (supposedly) putting the configuration word data into the PICmicro. You could delete these lines and set the configuration data manually via the appropriate MPLAB menu instead.

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