starting with the flow code

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starting with the flow code

Post by arush »

can u please help me with the link of flowcode.
Last edited by arush on Sat May 15, 2010 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: starting with the flow code

Post by Benj »


If you are unfamiliar with Flowcode then there is a free online course available from here to help get you started.

I replied to your Zigbee question on the other topic you created.

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Re: starting with the flow code

Post by arush »

(a) can i transmit atleast a speech signal through that kit.(ie. i'll connect a microphone on the coordinator side and a head phone at the other side)
(b) do i specifically need any kind of flowcode program for the speech signal to be get transmitted through that kit(if i need to go for high baud rate date transmission)
(c) the microphone terminals(will it be a port a ,port b, or port e because as we both know in the zigbee training kit the zigbee module is connected in he port-c and the lcd is connected on the port-d ). where can i put the analog input of an audio jack(ie which port and what pins exactly, like as we know a port is having nine pins)
(d)can i use an d/a converter board (eb013-00-2) to convert digital audio signals to the analog one on the router side of the kit(ie. supposed to be the receiver side of the kit), and which port we should have to connect this d/a converter board to.

kindly please answer these questions as this is really important.
kind regards-arush.
Last edited by arush on Sat May 15, 2010 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: starting with the flow code

Post by Benj »

Hello Arush,

In answer to your questions.

a) Zigbee may be able to transmit audio from speech but as I say is is not really designed for this where as bluetooth is.

b) Just sample an ADC component regularily eg 3600 times a second for speech. As you are sampling pass the data to the Zigbee, Bluetooth connection.

c) Audio is probably best in port a or port e as these ports have analogue pins.

d) Yes you can use the d/a board to convert back to an analogue waveform. You can also use PWM and a capacitor to do this.

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Re: starting with the flow code

Post by Benj »

Sent from Arush Via PM - Please do not PM me with questions that can just be asked on the forum.

thanks for answers that you posted but i still have some confusions before complying all this on my kit and those are:
1) do i need to run or compile or load any software on the pic to make my microphone and d/a converter work on this zigbee kit or else i have to just run any simple program like modulating the signal and then connect those circuits to it.

2) as you said zigbee may be able to transmit audio from speech, than is there any change in the circuit or the program or the properties of zigbee by clicking on the zigbee ikon in the program, that i should have to do or i'll have to go with the same settings. kindly please help me out with this so that i can take a safe step forward in building my project, otherwise any wrong step will break down my zigbee kit.

kind regards-arush.

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Re: starting with the flow code

Post by Benj »

1) do i need to run or compile or load any software on the pic to make my microphone and d/a converter work on this zigbee kit or else i have to just run any simple program like modulating the signal and then connect those circuits to it.
Yes you need a program on your PIC to interface with the Zigbee network and do the jobs you want doing. Eg collecting samples from an ADC or outputting the samples to a DAC or PWM channel. The program will probably be created in Flowcode? If so then look at the Zigbee manual that I gave you the link to and you should be able to see how to use the Zigbee boards to send and receive data. Once you can do this your basically there.
2) as you said zigbee may be able to transmit audio from speech, than is there any change in the circuit or the program or the properties of zigbee by clicking on the zigbee ikon in the program, that i should have to do or i'll have to go with the same settings. kindly please help me out with this so that i can take a safe step forward in building my project, otherwise any wrong step will break down my zigbee kit.
Please refer to the Zigbee manual and the Zigbee help file (Right click the zigbee component in the Flowcode panel and select help) for help with the Zigbee component. It will let you know excatly what all the properties are doing for you. If you need examples then you can find these in the Flowcode examples pack which is available from the main Flowcode product page.

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