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Analog input Arduino Nano is not working

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 6:49 pm
by jgu1

Nano Cheap and the originale Nano (115200) None of the analog input. :x

I was changing in a project I have created for a while ago with a Nano. There I use analog input. After change some output I reprogram the Nano.

But suddently I saw that the analog input not working anymore. After long figth and troubleshooting I got the suspicion that the analog inputs did not work as they should anymore?.
To be sure I created a simple testprogram with analog input. I can not get any of the analog input to work.

Please look in my test program, if I have done something wrong I apologize. But I don´t think they work anymore. I made a test in FC9, the same. not


Br Jorgen

Re: Analog input Arduino Nano is not working

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:03 pm
by Benj

We recently fixed a long running bug with the reference voltage setting on the Arduino Uno / 328 / 328P devices.

Before the settings the user selected was getting switched and potentially corrupted whereas now it should be correct. Check your ADC component property settings relating to the ADC reference voltage.

If you're still having issues then please let us know and I will investigate.

Re: Analog input Arduino Nano is not working

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:30 pm
by jgu1
Hi Ben!

No matter what I do it not working. Please could you send me a Screenshot how i should look like. Please as fast as you can, because my old project doesn´t work anymore af update.

Br Jorgen


Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:18 pm
by jgu1
Finally I found the new text. It work again. Thank´s :D

Br jorgen