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ST7789 Bug!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:26 pm
by jgu1

I thought there is a little quiet here in the forum, is everyone on vacation :lol: :lol:

Well ok, maybe I can make a wake up :wink:

Now I see that the ST7789 display i s added to the component in FC8 so I suppose it is ok I report a bug. Finally I get my display and I made a test, but as Martin also mentioned here: ... 77&t=22377

It doesn´t work. :(

Hopefully MM/Ben have time to have a look .

Br Jorgen

Re: ST7789 Bug!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:44 pm
by mnf
Hi Jorgen,

I think the Adafruit version has a slightly different initialisation...
Sorry - haven't had time to work with this lately, but will get round to it soon(ish) hopefully..


Re: ST7789 Bug!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:23 pm
by jgu1
Hi Martin!

Ok, No rush. But I like this tiny coloured display. I made a test with the Arduino ide, and it work fine.

Look forward to see it work in FC8.

Thank`s Martin.

Br Jorgen

Re: ST7789 Bug!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:04 pm
by jgu1
Hi again Martin!

Some more info maybe it can help :D

I have made some reserch on the web and I have downloaded a project from here with a temperature DS18b20:

First I follow his project step by step. Get the lib. and all. Follow his connection, power 3.3V and connect the datapin directly to the output, 5V. Damaged the display, it doesn´t work. I search some more and see different opinions how to connect the datapin. I try with resistor divider, no luck. then I try with only 2k7 resistor in serie only on data pin, then it work and is very nice and stable.

Subsequently I perform test with FC8 again, but :cry: no luck Of course I could use the others projects, but prefer to make my own in FC :D

One more thing, the name of the pin on the display fit, but not on the delete pin on the display, is this in FC8 CHIP SELECT?

Br Jorgen

Re: ST7789 Bug!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:58 am
by Benj

I've remade the component with a reset pin on the other topic.

As for the CS pin please assign this to an unused IO pin.