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PIC32 UART port Remap Pins setup

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:30 pm
by Lagoda
Hi Ben,

I have a problem with the PIC32MZ2048EFM100 MCU, UART component Remap Pin settings.

Bug Description:
First I create a new project and only add one UART (RS232) component to the 2D dashboard.
Then I try to configure TX and RX Remap Pins, but the "Properties" window shows the wrong ports for the selection.
If I choose an other channel and try to set again a TX and RX ports, then first, a different port name will be added to the table than the one I selected.
I tried this procedure on more computer and this bug always seems in Flowcode version.
Please try it out.
Change channels and set up ports over and over again.
I hope you will see the bug I wrote about.

Best Regards,


Re: PIC32 UART port Remap Pins setup

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:58 pm
by Benj
Hi Lagoda,

All looks ok to me.

Here's the pin list for UART channel 1 RX pins.
UARTRXPins.jpg (14.08 KiB) Viewed 2615 times
And here is the datasheet for the U1RX peripheral pin, note not quite in the same order but seems to be the same pins available.
UARTRXPins2.jpg (89.73 KiB) Viewed 2615 times
The PIC32 devices have a more limited approach to remapping where they use a banking system. Only certain peripherals can access certain remap pins.

Re: PIC32 UART port Remap Pins setup

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 2:33 pm
by Lagoda
Hi Ben,

Thanks for the quick response.
You're right, the assignment of UART Channels and port banks is OK.

I thought there was a bug in the Flowcode8 because if I change the Channel of UART, the port information in the Connection table will not be updated.
If then click on the RX Remap Pin or TX Remap Pin field and select a port ( I do not see still the correct port bank associated with the Channel in this case) it will update the Connection table with the correct port data.

In Flowcode7, it is worked fine and the Connection table fields on the screen was updated immediately after the Channel changed.

Best Regards,
