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ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 12:54 pm
by Osta
Did everything right!
But all shifted !!!

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 5:10 pm
by Benj

I have exposed the component macros LCD_Write_Reg and LCD_Write_Data8. These should allow you to play around with the various register on the display to try and remove the offset. I've pushed this new version to the update system now.

I'm guessing it's something like the vertical scrolling or vertical scroll start address that's at fault on your display though there are lots of registers so I could easily be wrong. Look at the ILI9341 datasheet and find the registers I'm talking about and maybe others.

For the vertical scrolling command you would send the command like this.

LCD_Write_Reg (0x33) //Command
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 1
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 2
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 3
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 4
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 5
LCD_Write_Data8 (0xXX) //Parameter 6

Keep playing until you get something different and that's when you may be on the right track.

Hope this helps.

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:25 pm
by Osta
Hello Benj!!!
Unfortunately, everything remained unchanged......

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:07 pm
by Benj
Hi Osta

What registers did you try changing?

If you count how many pixels your off by then I can add a new offset property for you to override the problem via the component.

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:17 am
by Osta
Hi Benj!!!
I have to go away on business !
When I get back, I'll check!

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:33 pm
by Osta
Hi Benj!!!
I'll check and answer this weekend.
With respect Osta.

Re: ILI9341 16bit It's not working

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:15 pm
by Benj