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Exsample in Wiki/help

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:49 pm
by jgu1

A big wish, maybe to big :lol: It would be nice with more examples for all the component in the FC8 in the wiki/help menu.

Br jorgen

Re: Exsample in Wiki/help

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:49 am
by Benj
Hi Jorgen,

That's a good suggestion and I must admit I haven't put any new examples in there for a while now. I'll try and get back onto it.

Is there any specific components you or others would like to see examples for and I'll prioritise these?

Re: Exsample in Wiki/help

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:58 pm
by jgu1
Hi Ben!

First, it´s a bit of time I have look for examples in help meny. I see now now it´s not many is missing any more, so maybe I was a little too quick, sorry :roll:

But what I like to have is an example with SPI master and slave if possible. :wink:

And the SRF (wireless thing) is this a component for these : ... SwIy1e9vK5

And finally the MPU6050 component with an example like this: See in the end of the movie.
I see in your example the component work last time I ask you, It is probaly me who not know how to handle the component :lol:

Lot of wishes, Ben only when you have time, I know you are a busy guy :wink:

Thank´s in advance


Re: Exsample in Wiki/help

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:26 pm
by chad
I wasted a better part of the day with the thermistor component. Looks like a problem in the component.
Sure would have been nice to have an example flow program.

Every component should have an example imho.