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No support to PIC16F52xx

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:43 pm
by CamargoF
It is not possible to select the PIC16F15225, that I need for a project.
Can you please fix it?


Re: No support to PIC16F52xx

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:08 am
by Benj

Many thanks for the suggestion I will have a look into adding support for these into v9, I'll also have a quick look to see if the new additions will work ok with v8 but it might end up being a v9 only thing.

Having a quick look it appears the v8 and v9 PIC compiler does not support the PIC16F15225 device and so you may need to use a newer version of the XC8 compiler toolchain direct from Microchip.