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STM32F042 Nucleo!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:28 pm
by jgu1

Help needed. Please look in the config for my testprogram, is the speed as fast as possible? I want to use this device for a ILI934 display, so fast update on the display. There are lot of settings in the config :roll:

Thank's in advance.

Br Jorgen

Re: STM32F042 Nucleo!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:35 am
by Alkaline

in attachment you will find the version with the clock set at 48 mhz

I don't have the card to test but it should go.

Furthermore, if the speed was still not sufficient I solved it by changing the clock source from internal (HSI) to external (HSE)
I use the external 32 MHz HSE clock

You can get a further increase in performance by changing a compiler parameter, but we will discuss this after the tests.

I am also attaching the link from which you can download the excel sheet you stm from which you can obtain the clock parameters ... 32088.html


Re: STM32F042 Nucleo!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:07 pm
by jgu1
Hi Alkaline!

Thank you very much.

Br Jorgen