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About educational Flowcode V8

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 4:01 pm
by gonzogonzo

I have a professional license of Flowcode 8 for my private work and in addition, also working as a teacher in a technical high school, my institution has purchased 10 educational licenses at my indication. Since the license management was somehow entrusted to me after installing the above licenses in the school I discovered in the forum that it would be possible to distribute Flowcode to students with a "derived" license from the school one.
Is it possible to know exactly the modalities and limits to be able to do it if I have correctly understood?

Thank you.

Re: About educational Flowcode V8

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 10:26 pm
by Benj

I believe if you email us a list of students (usernames and emails) that you wish to enrol then we basically activate them for you and this will then remain active for 1 year. You can then enrol another set of students. I believe you can enrol up to twice the number covered by your license type so in your case 20.

I may be wrong on this and it's probably best to email our sales team and find out the exact specifics.

Re: About educational Flowcode V8

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:01 pm
by gonzogonzo
Thank Benj,
next week, after ask data students, i contact seller to investigate.