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96x32 OLED SSD1316 I2C Supported?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:55 pm
by ronaldlijs
Hi guys,

Trust everyone is OK and safe these days.

Does FC8 support a 96x32 pixel OLED display with SSD1316 controller? Would I not be able to use the SSD1306 I2C component and adapt it in some way?

Thanks for your thoughts!

Re: 96x32 OLED SSD1316 I2C Supported?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:44 pm
by ronaldlijs
Hi all,

No-one can help?


Re: 96x32 OLED SSD1316 I2C Supported?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:31 pm
by mnf
If you send me one of the displays I'll have a go....
Just been doing a st7789 (spi) display - which works (at least on some displays :? )
The source for the ssd1306 has been published and it shouldn't be too hard to modify for the different resolution..


Re: 96x32 OLED SSD1316 I2C Supported?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:32 pm
by Solozerouno
Devi solo cambiare il numero dei pixel da standard a 96 x 32 dal pannello properties.
Io ho provato cambiando la risoluzione standard a 128 x 32 e basta stampare i caratteri calcolando i pixel scritti.
Comunque il componente SSD 1306 I2C funziona correttamente anche con setting di risoluzione diversi ( nel mio caso 128 x 32 )...
Saluti e ovviamente
traduce with google traslator.